Chapter fifteen

Julia remembers as a child, being raised by a single parent most of her life made her independent at a young age. Her mother was diagnosed with cancer. At the time, Julia never knew what cancer was. All she knew was her mother was sick.

Her father was a soldier, and when he found out his wife was diagnosed with cancer, he left the army to come home and take care of her.

Unfortunately, her mother's illness was discovered when she had stage four cancer. Those last moments she would not ever forget.

Shortly after her dad left the army, he turned to God and prayed to ask God to spare his wife. Evelyn then woke up saying she felt fine; the doctors checked her, and miraculously the cancer was gone. Evelyn came home with her daughter and John.

John, a stronger believer in God, told thousands of others about what had happened and how God healed his wife.

The Friday morning, Everlyn woke up at 1 am and had a severe fever. She ran to the bathroom and coughed up blood.

John woke up with the noise and found his wife lying motionless on the floor. He rushed her to the hospital, and when the doctor did the checkup, they came to discover the cancer was back. Much more severe.

John was angry at God, asking why did he bring back cancer. He sat by Everlyns bedside, holding her hand. And suddenly, she sat up.

"John, I am feeling fine. God has healed me. I can feel the cancer is gone" her face was no longer pale. She looked healthy and glowing.

"Honey, please lay down. Let me go get the doctor."

"I am fine, John. She smiled and brushed her fingers through his hair. Trust me, and keep your faith in God. "

At this point, tears were rolling down Johns's face.

"This is a miracle kiss the top of her hand." Looking into each others eyes. She smiled and said "go get the doctor, so we can go back home "

John stood up and went to get the doctor, when arriving in the room there she was laying no longer breathing, "no this can't be" he said in disbelief thinking it is all just a dream as he fell down to his knees sobbing.

"Why? Why did you take her the moment I left her bedside?"

He curled up on the ground, Julia walked up to her dad taking his hand and smiled.

"Mommy is now in heaven daddy"

John looked up at her, and hugged her.

"Yes, she is honey; she no longer has pain."

At the time, her mom passed away. She was only twelve years old, her dad turned became an alcoholic, and he was barely home.

They lost the house. Julia moved in with her mother's sister, who raised her.

Soon after she completed school, Julia saved up enough to go to college and graduate.

She met Robert, they had Kathy, and got married.

Julia was always scared cancer would be passed onto her. Thankfully, she was wrong.