
Chapter Twenty

Julia and Robert slowly open the door and enter the house "try and not to wake them up, Julia whispers to Robert."

"I can't believe you have that torn shirt on,"

"I have not brought extra clothes he whispers." The room light switches on as they bend down behind the couch. Looking over the sofa, they notice it is Jack. He drinks milk from the fridge and then turns and looks in the couch's direction. Julia grips Robert's hand.

Robert looks at her as Jack walks over to the window and closes the window looking at the couch. As he is about to approach, there comes a voice out of the room "please bring me water with"

Jack turns around and gets a glass of water, and exits the lounge.

"That was close."

"Yes, it was," says Julia standing up.

Behind the couch, she now walks over to the bedroom where the kids are.

" Kathy is not here, Robert?"

Robert whispers, " she has to be here somewhere."

"I have checked she is is not"

"Maybe she is in the main bedroom."