
Chapter forty Six

How can they hand a 7 million dollar contract over to someone else? This is unacceptable. Get me, Ms. Lu, on the phone immediately. We have dealt with them for many years.

Mrs. Liu is furious, mam, they are not taking calls from us, "someone must have done something to offend them. I want a family meeting tonight to get to the bottom of this.

Mr. Arrives at home and finds Mrs. Zhoa lying in her pajamas on her phone. The room is dark.

"Are you feeling ill?"

"No, I am fine."

"Are you not supposed to be at work?"

"No, I decided to take off the day."

"How was your day, honey?"

Mr. Zhoa looks at her.

"I got some groceries. It is on the kitchen table."

Mrs. Zhoa gets shrills under her skin at how her husband looks at her. It is as if he can see right through her.

His appearance seems different she can't exactly tell what is so different, but he seems more confident.

"I am going out."

"Where are you going to?"

"To the dealership."

"You have money for a new car?"