
Chapter 72

"She was just here. How is it possible she is gone?"

"I do not know. All I do see is those men trying to break in."

"I think we should put once and for an end to this by going outside and confronting those guys."

"We can't do that. We would be exposing ourselves to them, and then they will keep sending more guys, and before you know it, there is a price on our head."

Kelvin knew Jessica always had a valid point, which is why he never argued about it.

"So, what do you suggest?"

"I say we wait it out. They will eventually go away."

Kelvin opens the refrigerator, "we are running on a low supply of food."

"We need to get to the stores?"

"We can't. Everything is closed, and we are leaving in the morning, with or without those people leave."

The lights are off as it becomes darker. Kelvin heads to the guest room with his sister.

"I am not keen on sharing a room with her. What if she kills me in my sleep?l

"You're the father of the baby; she wouldn't dare harm you."