
Chapter 83

"Kathy honey, its time to get up we need to get going."

Sleeping in the caravan was a changed, Kathy looked up at her mom, "I am tired of the road mom, can't we go to a place to book in for the evening."

"We can't there is a lot of places shut down."

Kathy sighed glancing out the window, staring out of the window over at the tall mountains, mom?

"Yes honey?"

"Do you think dad is still around?"

"What do you mean honey?"

"His spirit mom."

"Yes, I would think he is."

It was 7am, and Julia felt tired from the long drive, we only have a few more miles to go then we should reach our destination.

Julia pulled off over at the Mountain Road, to the garage. "Honey would you like to use the bathroom?"

"Yes Mom, ." Kathy had answered.

Julie climbed out with Kathy, noticing four guys sitting outside a restaurant smoking.

They were all looking at Julia and Kathy wearing there mask, "don't make eye contact honey."