
Chapter 87

Kelvin walked up to the guys who surrounded the women as they pulled out their guns and knives, seriously boys, you think that's going to stop me? Kelvin reached to the back of his Jean and pulled out to 9mm. There are two options one, you walk out of here and leave the girls. Two, you all die. It's pretty simple.

You forget there is right of one of you, oh yes about that look behind you, the guys turned around and saw Jessica holding a rifle aiming it at them, "I get the feeling this is going to be messy."

The guys dropped their weapons, "look, we don, t want trouble; without hesitation, Kelvin shot the guy in the leg; as he screamed, the others reached for their guns, "I wouldn't do that, boys things are going to end in a blood spill."

The guys looked up at her as they backed off, "OK, lady, you have made your point. They walked out of the castle as Kelvin walked behind them.