
Chapter 107

"They have to be around here," said Lucifer as his guys searched the area, "I can smell dog from a mile away,"

The guys searched around and could t find a trace of them; let's go back, men.

The guys packed up and left; Kelvin and Jessica walked back home; as Rose followed, Jessica wouldn't take no for an answer.

When getting back home, Kelvin was relieved to see his daughter and Daisy.

Daisy stood up and apologized to Rose. They were all surprised at her apology.

Rose was fascinated by how beautiful Isabella was.

"Can I Please hold her?"

"Yes, of course, you may," said Daisy

Rose picked her up and stared into her eyes as she sang a lullaby.

Isabella's eyes closed her eyes falling off to sleep.

Rose felt attached; as she lay her down on the bed, she turned to Daisy and Kelvin, "she is the chosen one."

"How did you know that?"

"She told me so."

Kelvin and Daisy looked at eachother, "so you can speak to her?"

Jessica stepped closer, "Are you psychic."