
Chapter 120

I do not see her anywhere, "she will come back; I think we should all leave?"

"We can't leave; I mean, she is the mother of Isabella; if there is a chance we can save her, we should try."

"Kelvin, I understand your concern for her, and you are worried about her, but we need to keep Isabella safe; if she can take out twelve men, no one knows what else she could be capable of."

"Jessica, are you saying we should leave the Daisy we've both known for months now? Don't you think we should try to help her?"

"Kelvin going back and forth with you does not help. If you want to stay, you are welcome to, but you are not going to drag us all on your mess; you need to decide for her or us; you have lost Daisy, and you know you have."

"What if you are wrong, Jessica? Have you ever thought, by us leaving her behind, we would have to live with this forever knowing we have not tried?"

"Guys, please stop.", said Rose you are upsetting Isabella, Kelvin when Daisy woke up, how long was she dead?"