
Chapter 129

What is she going here, Kelvin?

Louisa, well, I was showing her online commercial marketing.

"With a closed room door?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"Answered Louisa

"Your acting like he is your property, chill girl."

Everything about Louisa is what Rose dislikes.

"He's not my property, but I find it interesting how you are coming to his defense!"

Jessica entered the room, "Hey, I can hear you guys down the hall. What's going on?"

"Look who is here, Jessica."

"Oh, I see now what's happening."

"Nothing is happening; we agreed to show Louisa how online commercial marketing works;-: you can see my laptop is on my lap Rose."

"What does online commercial marketing require closed doors?"

"Why would you guys close the door?"

"We haven't closed it. As you can see, the window is open, and the wind blew it close."

"Oh, that makes sense; there's nothing between them, Rose."

Sure there isn't; Rose turned around with Isabella and walked out of the room.