A pair of needy lips

"I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make a lemonade...And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka and have a party."

~ Ron white.


-chapter fifteen-

Assistant Luke entered the office and sees the mess inside, he called the cleaning department and ask them to take care of it. He hurried to see if his boss was okay, but didn't expect what he saw. He boss was standing at the corner of the office looking outside of the window, and when he took a closer look he noticed his boss was flushed red. 'Was his boss blushing? ' , before he could think further his boss noticed him and called him.

"I want you to get me a pair female ware, now" he said without glancing at him.

"Yes sir." assistant Luke replied and he walked out of the office.

After few minutes, he brought the clothes and gave it to his boss.

Fyn Sly collected the clothes and walked to the adjoined room. As he entered, he saw something that made is almost erect brother erect.

Stella who just washed up couldn't find the bathrobe, she raped the towel around her body but it was too short. After thinking on what to do for a minute, she noticed a shirt that was big and took it. She knows it belongs to Fyn Sly but still put it on. she did it to make him angry but didn't know that it was quite the opposite.

She came out of the bathroom and saw Fyn Sly entering the room, she saw the shocked look on his face and became happy. In other to irk him more she walked closer to him with a pitiful expression and said. "CEO fyn, I didn't wear it on purpose, there was no bathrobe inside and I didn't want to walk naked, so I took it from the closet. " after saying this she looked at his face and waited for his reaction.

Fyn Sly saw the woman walking towards him, seeing her wet hair, wet eyelashes and beautiful legs almost made him loss control. then seeing how pitiful she looks as she walked towards him and talking with her sexy lips made him fell like pushing her against the wall and slimming his lips on hers, kissing her soft lips roughly until she's out of breath.

Stella saw the change in his expression and how he looks at her. thinking that her teasing has gone too far she decided to stop. But before she could do that she was pushed towards the wall, before she could realize what was happening, a pair of needy lips fell on hers.