Damn this boy, she is my friend

"Men are liars. We'll lie about lying if we have to. I'm an algebra liar. I figure two good lies makes a positive"

-Tim Allen


-chapter twenty five-

After twenty minutes, Scott drove his car into Wills bar.

William Wills rested his back on his car as he waited for Scott, whose car he sees entering the bars garage.

Scott comes out from his car, he walked towards William and shakes his hand with him.

"I am glad you can make it." William tells his friend.

"Sure." Scott replied. William leads them inside, to the private room he booked for.

After sitting and ordering drinks, Scott starts the conversation. "So what's the occasion?" he asked.

"Nothing in particular, I just felt like a couple of shots." William replied.

Scott looks at his friend, though he said nothing, but he could see the sadness and frustration he was trying to hide. Then a realization hit him, he asked," Dawn? "

William was surprised, " W-Why would the reason be Dawn? "he questioned back.

Scott kept quiet and stared at him, though he didn't say anything again, but his stare and eyes looked at him as if he was saying 'What am I, ten?'

William was now very shocked, he looks at Scott as he opened his shaking mouth due to shock, to speak, "H-H-How did you know?" he asked.

Scott rolled his eyes, 'what really did this boy take me for, eleven?' , "Seeing the way you look like a lost puppy right now, I bet you didn't have the courage to confess, right?" he asked.

'Damn this boy', "it's really not Dawn, and why would you even think that way, she is my friend." replied with a firm voice.

Scott didn't argue further, he let William have his way. They both know he was saying the truth, but since he chooses not to reveal his feelings for Dawn to him, he would have to wait. He just hope William would not be too late to confess his feelings.

"Since you are in a bad mood, and I am in an unsure mood, why don't we drink to clear our mood." Scott proposed.

" Sure. " William replied

After few hours of drinking, Scott became drunk but not as drunk as William who was drunk as a cunt. Scott took William's phone and dialed his driver.

Some minutes later, a young man entered into the private room. He is Ben Sky, he is not only William's driver but also his secretary.

"Good evening Mr Fyn" he greeted Scott.

Scott nods his head, he looks at William who have passed out, "Take him home, his personal home not the Wills mansion."

" Yes Mr Fyn" he bow his head, he moved towards William, he put William's hand around his neck as he takes him outside.

After seeing the two people going out of the room, Scott decided to leave also. He entered his car and drove to his villa.

Upon reaching his house, he felt something was not right. He is drunk but not to the extent that he couldn't see. This house looks no way close to his house. And when he took a closer look at it, he noticed it was Alex's house.