"Sometimes the smallest act of love can take up the biggest space in someone's heart."
- anonymous
-chapter sixty-
While John and Stella was discussing, far away from there, at Scott's villa.
"I've been calling you since, why weren't you picking your calls!" Dawn yells at Scott.
" Ahhh quit shouting, I'm having an headache already" he says to her. He had no idea she had called his phone, it was not even at the call history.
" I should quit shouting? we agreed to meet and I didn't see you, I called you but you didn't pick up, I was freaky worried you asshole! " she was indeed worried, but that wasn't the main reason he was mad. She is mad because she had an idea he had went to Alex's house, she had encouraged him to confess his feelings to him, but since Alex refused to acknowledge his she will take Scott all to herself. She was not going to make people happy while she's hurt, she wanted Scott and she still do.