Thirty minutes horse rides away from the Palace.

"Mom, I don't think letting her go to the Palace is a good thing. For Christ sake she's new here. She doesn't know our lives her nor the type we are" Amelia says to her mother angrily.

She didn't like the fact one of the girls she saved to still be put in front of the lion's den.

"Don't tell me what to do, you little brat" Mrs Eric retorted.

"Wasn't wiping her memory enough?" she questioned again. she was clearly angry by what her mother did. separating her from her friends.

Mrs Eric snorted. "If it had worked I wouldn't have thrown her out. The memory wipe spell didn't work on her." she said. With anger in her tone.

"WHAT? No that can't be! My Memory spell has never failed. It even works on witches. So h-how come?" She asked, mostly to herself.