"I really don't know what you would prefer so I brought other alternative for you to choose from." Mrs Mark said excitedly, she had always wanted another girl in the family apart from her two chaotic children.

Rose felt goosebumps on her body, she didn't know why but this couple are treating her like their long lost daughter, which she was hundred percent positive was untrue.

"Now put in this clothes and come downstairs for breakfast, I made a lot of food myself personally for you Dear" Mr Mark said sweetly and excitedly to Rose

Rose nearly choke on her saliva, couldn't this man find a different and much better lie to tell? Jeezzz.

Mrs Mark looked at her husband in annoyance, no wonder their son is finding it difficult to find a wife, he inherited everything from his father.

"Ok, please give me some minutes to get dressed" Rose said in a polite manner.