3 - Success

{ A.N : 1000 words!

I'm sorry , I'm starting to get used to writing so, I forget about the word count. }



Immediately after , Adel felt a sharp pain near his head , like he has been snapped by a sword.

He opened his eyes to see a man wearing a black hoodie that had a vicious grin on his face.

"Damn , he truly used his ancestors' luck to escape his death!"mumbled the man.

Adel looked up and saw a sword that was close to cutting his neck , in an instant he became alert.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

Within Adel's body suddenly exploded an overwhelming aura of killing intent that proved the number of people he has killed, causing the man who was close by to cough a mouthful of blood , and the passerbys started feeling dizzy due to it.

The place suddenly turned deadly silent as Adel turned around and took the sword from the man and penetrated his heart in a way that looked like it seemed to him as normal as drinking water. - And then he used a little bit of his spiritual power in order to modify their minds about the happenings of the event.

Everyone's attention was on Adel , but he paid no attention to it as he was secretly frowning due to his current body state.

'Just 20% of my killing intent and it already caused my body to damage to this extent? Just how bad is this body's state?'

At that moment , Adel got a headache as he suddenly got loads of memories on his head.

In his memories he found out that he was in the body of a young servant of a small backward clan in the country - Luperculm , and that he has the exact same looks and name an his past body - However the similarities stopped there, and everything else is different.

His cultivation base is nearly non-existent , as he was barely on the Ki sensing realm, and he discovered that the country where he was had the peak powerhouses hiding in there only at the acupoints opening realm , which meant that he was in a backward place that has nearly no resources for him to start cultivating.

As for how he got in the situation , the man wanted to assassinate him , which meant that someone was aiming for his head.

As he was looking around , he noticed a small pendant over his neck , as he then tried to check it.

Although his soul has been placed in a body that barely had any cultivation, it didn't stop him from using spiritual sense as that only depends on the strength of the soul, and nothing else.

But that didn't stop his soul from exhaustion, as he used the spiritual sense to check the hidden powerhouses, and modify their memories.

He secretly frowned as this amount of prowess he showed should only be natural to him , but then it tired him too quickly.

And then he used his last bit of spiritual sense to try to penetrate the pendant , to truly check it - But then he was stunned as it deemed useless .

As soon as that happened , he frowned again as he remembered that the only case this happens if the pendant was at a grade higher than the mortal realm , which meant that this body holder's origins weren't simple.

A few seconds after he tried using his spiritual sense though , he seemed to feel a calming feeling throughout his body , as the pendant started to nourish it and bring out his hidden potential.

As soon as he gazed into his talent roots , his frown only got deeper as he couldn't determine its grade.

'This either means that the potential is trash or it's more than heaven-defying, but that's too much of a coincidence.'

After the feeling got over him , he suddenly got a message on his mind.

'You're right , this body that I chose for you is a parting gift for we shall not meet in the future unless you ascend to #$@&! , which you're unable to hear due to your current strength.

I hope you don't disappoint me for all the efforts that I have done for you.

The pendant was handed from the previous body holder's parents to him to help temper his will as a servant and grow further from there - But alas , what circumstances they didn't expect was that you appeared as your powerful soul replaced him on his body , which made your soul stronger but that would only prove useful later on. - And since your two souls fused , you got his memories.

Also , keep the pendant as it will lead you to your parents ( They are yours from now on since you'll live on his body , though it's your choice whether to truly consider them as parents or not.) and it will also make it easier for you to cultivate x2 times faster than others , with more benefits when you reach higher realms, but they obviously become useless when you reach a specific realm.

And what actually happened to cause the body to have such a measly cultivation base was the pendant that was constantly nourishing the body using the energy on the air , or that was previously on the body , to make the foundation firm enough to bear breaking through the higher realms.

One last thing ,.about your spiritual sense , you should avoid using it - Although the pendant protects it from being discovered , don't use it unless necessary as Nao is rare on this country , unless you go to an actual graded country , you shouldn't use it, since you still can't use Chi as a fusion of the 4 ways.'

"Wait what's the ranks of countries on this dimension? And can you explain me what you deem necessary for me to know? As for his parents I don't care much , I might meet them in the future but that won't make me suddenly harbor feelings for people whom I didn't know of."