8 - Pills , Treasures ' grades , and beasts' mystery

{A.N : 800~ words...

Sorry I'm tired.. couldn't make it past 850 words..}



" Anyway , since you're new here , I'm gonna tell you the grades of pills , treasures and sword, and the ranking of clans .

Clans are classes like this : small class clans , followed by middle class clans , top class clans then supreme grade clans.

Pills are grades at 4 grades :

-1st grade pills are pretty common amongst small class clans, as they are useful for those in the body refining realm.

-2nd grade pills are common amongst middle class clans , as they are useful for those in the Soul refining realm.

-3rd grade pills are uncommon even amongst top class clans and supreme clans , as they are useful for those on the Magic core refining realm.

As for the 4rd grade pills , they are extremely rare as one can nourish their soul enough to be half-step Qi Sensing realm , which leads to large-scale wars going for even a single 4rd grade pill of E rank

The pills naturally have ranks , as they are classes from E that is trash going all the way up to S that is supreme .

As for the treasures , they are similar to pills in classification:

1 star treasures are the ones that small class clans have , as they are only useful for those in the body refining realm to fight a small realm above them.

-2 star treasures are the ones that middle class clans have , as they are useful for those in the Soul refining realm to be fight a realm above them.

-3 stat treasures are hidden even amongst top class clans and supreme clans , as they are useful for those on the Magic core refining realm to fight a rank above them.

As for the 4 star treasures , they might be the only trump cards for supreme clans if they ever get their hands on one, they are extremely rare as one can fight Qi Sensing realm cultivation!

As for the ranking they are like the pills , from E as trash to S as supreme.

And finally as for the clans , as I have already said are divided into 4 :

- Small class clans have someone at the Body Shell Closure realm as their powerhouse .

-Middle class clans have someone at the Nascent Soul forming realm as their powerhouse .

-Top class clans have someone at the Mana Core realm as their powerhouse .

-Supreme class clans have someone able to fight a half-step Qi sensing realm , or an actual Qi sensing realm if they had a 4 star treasure." Said Vermin as she took a deep breath to let Adel digest the information.

'So the same system of Earth is here too... Well except clans since there aren't many back there , well other than the dimensions that don't prefer the modern society..

And it seems that the other higher classes treasures and kills go all the way up to 5 stars , which then they differ by something new? I guess I'll have to check on alchemy when I advance to the realm after mortal realm...

Also.. It seems like there are beasts here too, might as well ask her their cultivation names if they're different or not..' thought Adel inwardly , with a calm expression on his face.



A few minutes later, Adel then decided to ask his question about beasts. " Hey , Vermin what's the classing of beasts? Do they have the same cultivation system as us humans or do they have something different? "

When Vermin heard his question , she was startled by his question , then she hurriedly motioned for him to close him mouth, and said in a worried tone. " Actually, don't ever talk like this about beasts since it's taboo. What you don't know is that outside this kingdom , everytime we move more than 5,000 kilometers, we find beasts that are at the peak of the Cultivation refining realm or even higher , which made us know that they have the same cultivation system , and also knowledge the fact that there are higher reachable realms out there, but the Qi here is too thin for some to reach cultivation refining realm.

Also, the true reason for it being taboo is that when beasts reach the Qi sensing realm , they could for some reason transform into a human form.

So they could be one anywhere in this kingdom , but they hate being called beasts for some reason, which leads to them doing a massacre whenever they hear someone talking about beasts.

But they stop there , as they didn't kill more than specifically 500 people whenever they massacre , which is weird now that I'm thinking about it" Whispered Vermin to Alen in a voice only him could heard.

Alen was truly stunned at the information , but was shocked at the last bit of it , but the look of his face remained unchanged.

' There's no way they know the existence of karma, so it's their instincts that's warning them of future dangers if they continue....

Also what's this about them hating being called beasts? Could it be them hiding in humans' form from somewhere else ? Or is it that they are cursed once they transform into humans ?Or is it that beasts have different races as well?' Thought Adel , but he then shook his head , as his current questions didn't have any answers , he just threw them at the back of his head.