9 - *spoiler*

{ A.N : 1000+ words!

Important note in the end , which is the reason for the spoiler tag on the chapter, read it after you finish the chapter as everything will get into place...}




" Let's get moving, as we're close to our family compound.

Oh , I forgot to tell you this , there seems to be some mysterious master that took interest in one of the the children of the king , which seemed to be a princess.

She took her as a disciple , and in return she's helping the kingdom in it's ruling , and also defeating any enemies above the Mana Core refining realm as it's nigh impossible for them to defeat without using a trump card of theirs..

And ever since she took that princess in , which was 4 years ago , there seems to be some upcoming troubles coming up...

Since the imperial family has a powerful backer , they're using her to get as much benefit from pressuring the 4 clans as possible...

Anyway, since you're staying in my family compound, you should just cultivate as much as possible, because the harder you work , the more resources you'd get." Said Vermin in a smile , though she thought of something and then her face turned sad for second, but then her smile returned at the end:'Though if all the resources are wasted even with hard work , then you might get expelled from the clan , but that wouldn't happen since I'll leave with you if that ever happens.'

When Adel looked at her sad expression, he unconsciously used mind reading arts on her , which was by default as he was used to reading people's minds in his past body.

And when he read her thoughts , he turned speechless at her determination to be with him , but he then felt warm in his heart when he thought back at her words , but then he quickly shook his head, and thought:' I hope that body that gave me this chance doesn't interfere with my fate , which seems to be what's happening right now if I get too many coincidences ....

It's trying to get me work hard by throwing me here if there's beasts above Cultivation refining realm whilst I'm still in the body refining realm, which would help temper my will and hone this body's instincts of life and death battles , since the soul doesn't make the body accustomed to it , but the body has to go through the process all over again..

Though why is it going to this extent to help me? Is it related to my unknown origins in my past body ? But that's impossible unless he it made me look at the book back then, which in turn made me go for what I'm going for , as life doesn't have anything that's worth it once you experience all of its hardships..

But then how is it even possible for my past body's origins to go beyond God's dimensions? Unless the soul was forcefully moved there... But that wouldn't make any sense either as I would be crushed before I even cross over here...

Also there's no way I'm reincarnated, since that's impossible to begin with .' Thought Adel as he shook his head as he was again getting questions that he didn't have answers to.

But what he didn't know is that the entity that helped him isn't someone who wants Adel to success , but was his own past self as he blocked his memories from being discovered....

Unless someone more powerful than him in his past life, forcefully reads his memories , then nobody would know about it.. But that too is impossible as one can only force reincarnation until the very peak of strength, but with a cost that was very pricy...



A few hours later , Vermin and Adel arrived in front of the clan compound , which looked huge , as big as a Greek building...

Though the design was different , as the walls were covered by spirit lamps , which get recharged with Nao automatically...

And at the top of it , it had a golden name in a sign "KLEIN" , which highlights the clan's main house.

"Our 4 clans are actually divided into the main clan which is this , and then small clans that are scattered apart in the nearby kingdoms that are being sheltered by the king , that don't even know about the beasts , which in turn also supports their imperial family in case of geniuses appearing..

Also , don't be formal when meeting my parents since they know about you ever since back then.." Vermin then smiled as she reminisced about the past..




{ A.N :

Anyway I decided to uncover a bit of the background of the mc , just a bit.

As the realm of his past life's strength is way above his reach right now , he wouldn't even get hints about being reincarnated until he's close enough to his past strength. As for his parents, well they are the same as his past body, as everything is connected in a way...

As for why I decided to uncover it , well it'll bring more mystery , and as I said it's 'it' not him or her since once transcends that level of power , they become genderless, and it also makes him think that he's getting an expert's legacy.... That's all for now as it shows the story , though it might be a spoiler , but you'll probably forget about it since it's too far in the future.

As for the #reincarnation tag , I'm either doing it when he learns about his reincarnation or not mention it at all, tell me about it! ( Which I prefer not mentioning it... As it spoils the story if someone suddenly learn of reincarnation tag though the story doesn't follow about a reincarnated guy. ) But not talking about now since it's gonna be a spoiler if I do...

Also please recommend me which way I go for the MC's romance! either none which means like rever*nd ins*nity type , or a female lead were he only has one partner ( like Dao partner type ), or a harem type with many wives ,( Though not that many since he's not gonna play Pokemon when getting women , it's gonna have proper romance escalation.. ) .

I personally don't know about romance since this is my first novel...I'll try my best!

Also once this novel reaches a certain amount of chapters , I might start another one , but a bit different from this and all fantasy types pretty much...

I won't say much about it , though I'll only write it if this gets through more than 400+ chapters..}