Is Learning Forced Love

And chances are, Bara will be furious at Asih.

Asih's whole body was shaking. When she hit, Asih didn't think about it because she was very angry with Bara. And being able to hit Bara is a good opportunity for Asih.

But the aftermath really scared Asih.

When Asih's mouth opened again and was about to apologize. Suddenly a laugh was heard.

Bara's face now looks even more annoying in Asih's eyes.

Bara even laughed with satisfaction like crazy. He also hit the dashboard of his own car.

Asih frowned seeing it. "Really out of my mind!" quipped Asih as she turned her gaze to the left.

Asih looked at the road outside the car. Annoyed with the person next to her who is now even laughing to himself.

"It's really bad to have a crazy stepson like Bara," Asih grumbled to herself.

Meanwhile, Bara is enjoying his own madness.