Adrian's Girlfriend is Beautiful

Bara has indeed expected if something is wrong with Adrian's sign. One of his suspicions is, about Adrian who already has a boyfriend. So, Adrian often left the house with a stylish appearance.

But even though you have suspicion, still. Bara did not expect. And really surprised.

Moreover ... with Andara's reply.

"Yes sir? By the way what's going on? I'm not busy tomorrow. I also miss you. Sorry, just bales, there was a need for a while, "Bara said again.

Coals repeat the contents of the message filed by Andara to Adrian. Not only repeating messages from Andara which he memorized outside the head sufficiently just read it once.

  But, coals also demonstrated the expression of Lebay while stroking Adrian's chin like a woman who was teasing her man.

Adrian dismissed the armband that made him amused.

Muttering, Adrian said, "It's really disgusted, Bara! Noract know! " Adrian began to be annoyed.