Rocky Front (4)

Two weeks sure worked brilliantly when you had a reason to not completely dip your head in the squalor that is handling the battlefield.

With my team full promotion to what I could only imagine being what I knew as Chunin (since I was now leading a whole platoon with my other teammates acting as seconds-in-command), I started to take a few key roles during the skirmishes that were finally pushing Iwa forces closer to their village.

Channeling my inner Oskar von Hutier, I was quick to pick up infiltration and assault tactics meant to destabilize any efforts to build up a solid defense along the front. Our foes were stubborn, but not stupid enough to allow themselves to be encircled at the first chance of an opening in their lines. Just like a fighting force during the Great War, their brightest flaw was their inability to prepare a deeper take on defense.

I was 'blossoming' as a brilliant officer because of this, with the morale of the larger group of people now subordinate to me growing at the same pace as their belief that I had gained that position through merit rather than because I was Madara's apprentice. Then again, I doubted anyone smart enough to know who Madara was could exactly say that it was a privileged position to be stuck in.

With Hanzo having been sent to Konoha together with two letters, one aimed to Mito to explain her the situation and the specific issue that needed to be fixed with seals and the other to my mother to explain to her who was the boy that I had requested for my household to foster as a ward of the Shimura Clan and why, I was left to fully focus on the thing that was being a proper military officer.

Setting orders, giving men and women alike things to do instead of keeping them idle by the moving headquarters. Everything was in constant action, with my own interventions on the fielding pushing more and more on Iwa. We were relentless, but nonetheless cautious to not expose ourselves too much in dangerous situations. We were bold, not suicidal.

Nonetheless, I also took the few chances of spending some time to get to know who I was head of. I knew who Hirotada and Reira were, same for Kagami as the chill Uchiha had been reassigned to serve under my command, but I made the pleasant acquaintance with four more shinobis and two kunoichis that were now relying on my capacity to command this big unit in a fight or in any operation before us.

And today… was going to be a big one.

"Listen up, and listen up closely because this is a really important mission and I don't want anyone to miss any detail," I called, rallying the group close within the small section of the available field of the headquarters to make this briefing. "Today, we deal Iwa a blow they will never forget."

"How big?" Hirotada asked, surprised by the unexpected terminology I used. Generally, I was more specific with my words when it was time to strike particular sections of the hostile army. Right now, by using a broader way to describe the best aftermath of that mission, I gave off the idea we were going for something huge.

"We cripple a third of their forces with a single kill," I replied with a nod. "Commander Takagi Arata, the man behind the defenses in the left flank, has been having trouble keeping some of his men from deserting and request imprisonment rather than face execution for mutiny. Some have sung some pretty songs about the location of the much beloved leader and we know that he has relieved his second-in-command so his death will leave that side of the frontline without any stable leadership."

"That's… awfully convenient," Kagami commented and I nodded.

"Thought the same myself, but I checked on the other things the prisoners have said about other important officer's actions and locations. Those confessions have yet to fail since we managed to kill at least five of those bastards in the last week, and there are plans to get more removed from the board."

"There's more to this, isn't it?" Reira pressed and I smiled and nodded her way. I guess I couldn't exactly lament the fact these people now know how my crazy mind worked after months of having me around.

"While we still keep them all imprisoned, some of those Iwa ninjas have also given us a way to contact a rough group within their army that is trying to surrender peacefully to our forces. We have kept contacts for a full week now and we have set up a trap against the Commander which should theoretically help us avoid most of the dangers a normal assassination attempt normally has."

"How much can we trust them exactly?" Kagami asked with a frown. "I mean, surely Madara-sama made enough controls but-"

"Kage Bunshins, we accepted personal encounters to disclose info and they were willing to let a couple of their comrades to calmly surrender in a planned meeting," I listed with a serious tone. "I can only say this to explain what is going on. Iwa is running out of juice with how many defeats it's taking and their village just isn't enjoying the lack of proper food with how many fields we have scorched in the last few months."

Ah, how could one forget the fact the battle on the front can easily become secondary if you don't have enough resources to prevent a battle at home?

Oh right, I was the one with the knowledge that it was the only logical decline when one was losing this big of a war.

This was the first ever war among big villages, so the strains a defeat or multiple of those meant on the people back at home meant much more than when it was just clans fighting. Things were easier, smaller, simpler to control… and now things were going to shit for them.

Once the briefing was over and the plan of operation explained to the team, we spent an hour or two getting fully prepared for what was going to be a glorious stab onto Iwagakure's soft belly.

The trip was meant to take three days of solid walking, with most of the road meant to be clean from any possible obstacle created by Iwa soldiers. A 'blank spot' within the scouts' range and their patrols, which was going to give us a safe route into their headquarters on the left side. Much to my relief, these reports proved to be as correct as I had expected them to be. And… while I knew that I had little to doubt about their truthfulness, I still thought with a ninja-like mindset for good enough reasons.

Expect the unexpected. Especially when said unexpected could be a sudden blackout that might send you back to a lonely goddess with plans of enslaving humanity. I really didn't need to be thrown back there with how crazy things were here in the 'real world'.

The trip was smooth, we recovered a couple of plants that could be used to craft healing ointments and other stuff that were good to be turned into natural medicines with careful use of the basic knowledge about this matter. Other than that, the arrival was where things got a tiny bit spicier. After receiving with the small group heading the roguish elements of Iwa's armies, we were meant to begin an exchange that should have guaranteed a safe imprisonment once we were done here.

They received special blue jackets that were meant to represent that they were turncoats, while they gave us uniforms akin to theirs so we could have infiltrated the main facility with ease. We were given tags with names, some backstory, and even recommendations from the leaders to be quickly escorted to Commander Takagi. The negotiations began as soon as it started, with the bargain going positively and the two big groups sharing some respectfully formal 'byes' after we began making our way to the main tent of their camps.

But before we left our safe zone, I decided to bolster the size of our entourage with two Shadow Clones. Once inside, the two Clones moved in two different directions, with one taking interest in the nearest storage area filled with explosive tags while the other moved to the section where most of the tents were located. It was precaution, just a safety measure to prevent any silly business while we went inside the central area of the camp.

It was a wide and massive tent that was meant to house the Commander's living quarters and the officers' briefing room. Mostly living quarters from how house-centered it all felt as we were taken inside by both guards standing outside by the entrance.

"Takagi-dono, this is the group of experts that Yokota-san sent to handle the current internal issues within the camp."

The man huffed, looking way older than he should be. The losing war and the constant threat of rebellion sure changed the guy for the worse.

"I can see a lot of children. Explain to me how this is meant to work?"

"Our group has been selectively chosen to take part on dangerous missions entailing possible insurrections against the Strong Will of the Rock."

The leading officer nodded, standing up from his chair and looking at the map behind him and giving me the chance of advancing towards him while the two guards were killed as silently as possible. I stopped just in front of his desk as the man began muttering something about aiding a Camp 3 and 6.

Quick hand-signs ensued and, just as expected to, wind ignited through my mouth in a single line of compressed air that easily stabbed through the officer's brain. It was simple, mostly clean as the only blood that came out was the one pushed outward together with brain matter.

As the corpse slumped on the ground, I took this opportunity to quickly check on the desk for any useful stuff I could find on it, as I was busy browsing over the surface, the rest of the group moved to follow my example and try finding anything we could bring back to base. The big map that was now stained in blood in its upper corner was stored in a scroll, together with the rest of documents, letters and other stuff that could have helped in the current war effort.

We were so focused onto it, that we were caught off-guard when we blinked to find fire scorching through a good third of the 'safe spot' we were in. A sudden explosion ripped apart most of the tent, with almost everyone spared by the explosive blast and two of the closer individuals being sent soaring because of the pressure caused by it. Kagami proved to be rather unlucky as he slammed head first on the ground, swiftly clutching the sides as blood poured from some open gashes in there.

The smoke started to dissipate, revealing the man responsible behind the attack… or rather, the boy behind it. Onoki looked incredibly… angry, and pissed, but, mostly, eager of the opportunity created by this little situation.

"Danzou-san. Today is the day we shall finally fight!"

Goddammit, am I cursed to have crazy bastards after me? I'm not Naruto, go haunt him in the future if you want to steal some funny reactions out of this shit!

The circumstances were far from pleasant. Onoki looked determined to not allow this opportunity to go to waste and allow us all to leave. Knowing that he was there, I wouldn't be surprised that Mu was around somewhere for some reason. With Kagami wounded and in need of medical attention, the best solution was only one as much as I detested it.

"I will delay him. Everyone needs to leave at once."

There was surprise at my sudden order, but it was just a silent pause. I could tell both Hirotada and Reira were pondering about this matter, if they should have left me on my own or supported me against my clear wishes. In the end it was Kagami that broke the uneasiness behind that order, giving a quiet 'okay' and spearheading the retreat, soon followed by the entire team leaving as I prepared to do what I told them I was going to do about this unexpected development. Delay Onoki as much as I could in my current circumstances and hope that my sneaky plan actually worked.

"Finally accepting my challenge, Danzou-san?"

"How did you even know I was there? Why are you here?"

"Pure and simple… coincidence many would say. But I know that our meeting was fated," The young man started to explain in the most annoying way possible. "I was sent here by my grandfather after he recovered from his recent sickness. He truly seems to be a different person, almost… shocked by what happened with this war."

I frowned at that bizarre second half. "What do you mean shocked? He caused the war."

"That's what I thought, but he said something about not remembering and- wait, why am I telling you this?"

"Uh… rivals' confidentiality?" I suggested.

"Would you tell me a secret about your Hokage?"

"...Not really," I admitted with a hint of nervousness. "Would it help the situation if I said his wife seems to be in charge of the affairs when it comes about family-related stuff."

"What?" He exclaimed, genuinely appearing surprised at that comment. "I mean- let us cease talking and engage in a clash between the Rock and the Leaf."

"Rock, Paper, kunai?"

"Yes!- I mean, no! You know better than me what is going on."

"We are standing here, staring at each other and… I guess we could play Rock, Paper, Kunai."

"No! This is the moment where we fight and we become pure representations of the fact our villages are equal in power."

"I would argue that the state of the war is favorable to my side and-"

"Are you going to fight me or are you afraid enough to accept defeat?" He demanded, interjecting my important response.

I scoffed, miffed at the fact that he interrupted my intellectual speech. Nobody got away from hurting my intellectual feelings. The cur shall pay through ass-beating moves!

"It's not like you gave me much of a choice. But sure, let's dance, Onoki-san."

He smirked, the young teen perhaps thinking this was going to be fair. Oh boy, I was about to crush a future Tsuchikage's vision of what Shinobi are meant for.

I rushed at him with chakra-boosted speed, his first response being a quick punch. There was a hint of surprise on his face, but I knew already that I was starting from an advantageous situation. While my reserves were far from full and from being on par with his, I knew that I had speed on my side and a cunning understanding in how to murder people with little available.

He barely managed to block my counter-attack as I stopped to pull a fierce roundhouse kick on his side. The attack was just enough to send him flying, and to become a target for several shurikens I managed to throw at him. His armor, albeit minimal in some bits, managed to withstand the ferocious first step of this fight.

Grinning, I kept on adding the pressure on the matter as I knew that, at this stage of his life, Onoki was far from being able to use any significant techniques in these conditions. He needed space and some time to get the hand-signs right, and I knew that by keeping things limited with Taijutsu, I was winning an easy fight against someone that, if given a fair chance, could have easily defeated me.

I just couldn't afford to make use of any Ninjutsu with how my reserves were in that moment, and so I had to be a cheap hitter and make him lose through peer pressure. I continued to beat the crap out of Onoki, knowing that the youth just wasn't catching up with the fact that he wasn't as prepared in close encounters as he was with chakra-related techniques.

Finally, I was putting him on the ropes as I managed to sneak a knee on his stomach, forcing him to bend forward and allow me to slam both my fists in a hammer-like swing that struck him to the ground. He tried standing up, but I further aggravated his poor ribs by kicking him as mightily as I could with my right leg.

He rolled away, groaning in pain as he seemed close to passing out because of the massacre he was getting subjected to. But as I approached him once more, I tensed up as I perceived something flying towards me. I jumped away just in time to dodge a flurry of shurikens trying to stab my back, my eyes narrowing and my teeth greeting as I stared right at the reinforcement.

Mu was here. He looked modestly pissed considering I had been kicking his apprentice's butt for a while now, and he really didn't want for the Tsuchikage's grandson to perish in this sad and pitiful way.

"Shimura-san, I see that you are alone right now," The man commented flatly. "I would have expected for your team to be around for your funeral."

"Just passing by," I replied to the mummy-guy. "Still, I hope this isn't too much. He asked for a fight."

"I believe you have been running around a little too cheekily?"

I blinked. "Truly? How about I just say that I really find that flying technique amazing and now I will leave you all to enjoy some fireworks?"

The men behind the teacher failed to understand the innuendo behind my words, but the guy himself seemed to catch on pretty quickly as he threw another couple of kunais right my way. The world tore in explosion as the two Shadow Clones detonated as planned, giving me just the time to make one last jutsu for today.

Smoke erupted in my general area, and, while I wasn't around to see the scene unfold, I could only imagine the furious face Mu had to have when he realized that he had attacked a poor innocent log of wood.

Kawarimi, you bitch! Respect the classics! Respect the Log!

Just as I sighed in relief, looking around and confirming that I had shifted in the position where I had left the log before approaching the camp. After what happened last time we fought Mu, I started leaving special logs with seals meant to aid my Kawarimi to reach that far away from the location I was planning to use them.

The only flaw of this strategy was that I would have to retrieve any unused logs since their seals were still active and could have messed up with my 'shifting' away from danger. Now that I was safe from harm's way, I could rush to regroup with the other and properly leave the area I was in. I was still in the enemy's lines and I needed to report before some morons started any rumors about my possible death.

I had enough shit to deal with that I really didn't need someone to happily call out my ultimate demise. Still, as I walked my way through my woods I found out that something just felt… odd. My left arm and leg just felt… slugger than usual. As if those were struggling to move, restrained by something I just couldn't see.

I stopped, the phenomenon finally catching onto my brain as I realized that something was really wrong right now. I brought my good hand up and used 'Kai' to release any sudden Genjutsu I hadn't spotted. What I was regaled with was… an ugly situation. A really ugly one at that.

A pitch black substance was slowly trying to wrap around that side of my body. It was far from a full quarter of it, but I wasn't exactly planning for the bastard I had just recognized to fully take over my body. Weak as he might be, I wasn't planning to become Zetsu's puppet just because he was latching onto me. I didn't know how, why, or even when, but my current solution was slashing at the inky substance at once.

With careful hits, the attacks seemed to actually get some damage handled on the parasite, forcing it to detach from my body and slither away to a nearby tree. I kept my eyes on it, a glare leveled on its small shadow-like figure. It didn't take too long for him to speak up.

"Danzo Shimura."

"The most horrifying manifestation of weed," I flatly remarked. "What are you and how did you know I was coming?"

The tendrils formed a grinning face aimed at me. "This isn't the first time I spotted you around, Danzou-kun. I've heard and then seen your prowess in the battlefield from afar."

"How far exactly?"

"Iwa's court was an interesting place to visit. The Tsuchikage was a fun way to entertain myself before I found someone worthy of becoming my master as my creator."

That explained many bad things. Most of which were stupidly concocted now that I thought about it. I mean, the first Tsuchikage was never portrayed in a way that made him stand out as a war supporter. Heck, he was rather humble from the way the Anime showed him to be. Adding this irrational decision to what Onoki had said…

Oh, so Zetsu pulled a move similar to what Tobi did with the Mizukage, the guy that started the Bloody Mist crisis. Except the citizens were dying from war in this case rather than being murdered by their own soldiers.

Yep, now I can see the 'cunning' behind this plan.

"Still… 'master'. What do you mean?"

"I couldn't help but find your impressive potential worthy of providing my servitude to you."

"...What?" I inquired in pure confusion.

"A young child with such a brilliant mind. I can't help but recognize the same potential of the founder of the Uchiha family, the man that started your mentor's clan."

Ah, I see what he is trying to do here. Just like he did with Indra, Zetsu was trying to coax me to accept it as a boon rather than the parasite he really was. Still, this offered me a fun chance to kill many issues that were going to come forth if he was left alive.

"Oh, you mean Indra? You know, Hagoromo's oldest child and the one you induced to stray from the family out of a jealousy fit?"

"Yes- wait. What?"

"Look, let's cut things short right here. I know who you really are, I know what you are planning to do, and right now, you made a terrible mistake in trying to manipulate me into becoming your happy puppet."

"You know nothing, child!"

"I know your mommy is a bunny with divine ambitions," I flatly commented, getting him shocked enough to throw a single kunai in his direction. He seemed to scowl at the flimsy attack, moving just a little to dodge the sharp projectile… but failing to catch on the fact that an explosive tag was tied to it.

I could only nod at how easily I killed Black Zetsu. It felt so easy that I had to patrol around the area to make sure I wasn't just stuck in some other Genjutsu. I felt my grin widening as I found no sign of the bastard being around. Since he had yet to bond with a clone of Hashirama, he couldn't pull the plant thing just yet, so I knew that, if he was around, he had to be around somewhere if he had survived the blast.

Eagerly making my hasty retreat back to the temporary camp where everyone was supposedly waiting for me so we could start returning to the headquarters, I couldn't help but grin at the fact that I had literally eliminated one of few things that could potentially bring Kaguya back to life. Like seriously, I just couldn't believe it had happened and it took me hours to eventually understand how lucky things had gone my way.

Despite the big success on this front, the biggest issue for my current state of happiness manifested in the form of Madara handing out some unpleasant news for my platoon. We were being moved away from the front against Iwa and… relocated to the joint front made with Kirigakure against Kumogakure.

Everyone looked particularly gloomy over the fact we were going to march through Yugakure, the Land of Hot Water, and Shimogakure, the Land of Frost… which meant we were going to have our first and funniest beach episode together. But of course, the only beaches we were going to see was the one we were going to land onto since I planned to once again 'revolutionize' the battlefield with another brilliant antic-tactic.

We're gonna make the marines proud, Oorah!