Settling the Score (1)

Today is not a good day for a very unlucky Ootsutsuki bastard.

One may think that I would have gone back home before taking care of this business, but, as I had promised Shirone, I had all intentions to take care of this issue once my training was over. Not before or even 'after' that. The journey to go back home was to be delayed as I marched to the place where I was quite certain the bastard had set his own base.

It wasn't a brainer for a potential location, especially not when I knew through Kaguya where the God Tree was located. Surprisingly enough, it was well within the lands owned by the Land of Grass, making it easy to infiltrate the region due to how limited the border controls were. There had been some issues with the administration and the locals, causing a few rebellions which urged a 'less-militaristic governance'. In a way, this was bad for the country as those that took over were mostly farmers- none of which had a clear clue on how to rule a small country as that.

Still, less guards meant less patrols around the border, and passing through it was easier than anyone would have expected. That wasn't the real issue- the problem was that I ended up reaching Isshiki's base while he was away. I thought he was just hiding or setting up an ambush, but a quick look around confirmed the guy was nowhere around and... that I could disarm for a time his motion-detection seals.

They were unique compared to the rest, enough to leave me wondering how different seals conceived in the Ootsutsuki's original realm were compared to those produced here on the Elemental Nations. It was food for thought to look more into later, as the opportunity allowed me to bring an end to this mess without actually fighting.

I know, it sounds stupid and, truth be told, it felt like a sketchy way to surprise him as there was a chance this couldn't work but... I was a Seals' Master, I have learned a few things while I was training in Mount Koryu related to Seals, and most of which were meant to be used against Kaguya while she was still around.

So, while I couldn't truly confirm their effectiveness since they weren't used due to how things ended up for Shirone, I still had plenty of tricks set down to take care of Isshiki. I had most of the area he had 'rebuilt' in an open-roofed temple filled with all sorts of nasty stuff that was all tied to a long-distance seals' terminal I finished crafting by the ground.

"Do you think it will really work?" A certain samurai girl asked, Musashi having decided to tag along after pestering me long enough through the month to defeat my lack of intent to keep her around.

Then again, it wasn't exactly a matter of 'beating sense into me' but more of a 'I will tell the truth about why I want to tag alone'. I ignored the whole 'I think I like you for real' speech because I could tell she didn't fully mean it, but rather focused on the 'If I remain around, I may end up getting married to someone because that's the law here' and... I could accept that. It wasn't what she may have hoped to get out of this deal, but it was enough to get her out of that ordeal for good.

Mifune wept a bit over this split-up as he had to remain behind, but the promise of visiting plus Nashiro being around to keep him company from time to time seemed to be enough to stave off any major upset from him. The trip to reach Konoha was something Musashi had been giddy about and... she didn't stop with her flirting. Not for a single moment through the trip. The only times, rarities within rarities, were those times like this one where it was of importance to keep being serious.

"It should. And if it doesn't, we will still reap some advantages in the eventual fight."

That was enough to keep her happy as she gripped at two of her swords' hilts. She had improved a lot, but at the expense of some of that little common sense she had when we first met. Battle-thirsty, extremely giddy for sparring and too much of a menace in the field to beat as easily as she used to.

I had to use chakra a few times to win the exceptionally rare circumstances where she had me pushed on the ropes. The worst part is that Musashi could pick that up and the shiteating grin just made her unbearable in those occasions, almost making me regret not losing at that point. She just was better-suited for Kenjutsu than I was and... 'she could see things I couldn't'. I called it 'plot armor' and 'bullshit', but I gnored any of that as issues since she was a friend and an ally. If that BS was useful, then there's no reason to be lamenting about it.

The patient waiting didn't drag for too long as we were finally bestowed with Isshiki and a bunch of followers suddenly manifesting by the temple's ground, some carrying items which may be used for some BS rituals. I waited just a moment to verify where they were all standing and soon took mental notes of which 'buttons' to press to spring the super-trap.

"3,2,1..." I started to count quietly, Musashi perking and waiting for the chance to jump into action. "Now."

The various buttons were pressed all at once, and the noise of explosions, fiery gust of fire and wind, and even an ice bomb ensued before chains were unleashed on what was left. Isshiki was purposely the one that was planned to be the least damaged of the bunch, with the closeness to some of the attacks doing enough to stun him so that the chains could stab into his skin and keep him bound as if he was the victim of frigging Pinhead and his hooks.

Musashi was soon preceding me as she took care of anyone that survived that wasn't the maximum bastard. Meanwhile I took care of the Ootsutsuki and I almost smiled at the furious look on Isshiki's face when he realized who had sprung the trap.

"Y-You- How did you-"

I didn't talk. I could have engaged in a talk and prolonged his death, that would constitute as torture to an extent and I was not in the mood for that. I just wanted him dead and ready for the seal Shirone had given me. I applied the paper on his exposed forehead, applying Yin and Yang chakra onto it as it engraved on his forehead.

His back lurched backward, a silent scream erupting from his throat and mouth as his body started to burn in a fiery white fire that grew brighter and brighter before it dispelled and, instead of the fucking bastard, I was looking at a certain imprisoned 'goddess' now back in the living world. Her outfit was no longer a kimono as the woman had already mentioned to me that she had a 'new outfit' for when she would return to the living world.

She wore an open white kimono that was inspired by the ones wore by her sons, with the tomoes that were known to be in the Sharingan and Eternal Rinnegan's designs imprinted on a few edge sections of the kimono but also on the sleveless black shirt and pants in a white theme. The white boots keeping her feet warm and protected by the rocky terrain she was now standing on. The shirt was clearly what she 'promised' I would have 'liked' as it had an opening on her cleavage.

Right as she showed herself, the woman smiled. "Finally..." She said before shifting her left hand towards me. "Now please, be mine."

The forced command may be a red flag for trouble. Many would have tensed up in a fright at this expected betrayal and attempt to fight off any possession but... I just stood there, smiling as Kaguya kept that posture for a while before noticing that something was wrong.



Musashi walked up to us, and tilted her head at the sight. "Is she alright?"

"She didn't notice it," I remarked, and my words drew her narrowed eyes on me. So, I decided to make it easier for her. "Can you touch the top of your head?"

A snort, confused and yet failing to make sense of that request, but Kaguya did so and as she started to touch her head... she realized something was missing. Her horns. Her palms rushed to her forehead, finally realizing that the strange feeling of 'limited sight' was not just her third eye having yet to awaken. It wasn't there, her forehead was as smooth as a normal human's one should be.

Her jaw dropped and she turned to look at me with numerous questions pending in her thoughts and failing to fully manifest in proper words.

"Congrats on being back as an immortal non-goddess, Kaguya-san."

Uzumaki Yoshiko yawned a bit, frowning as she was just finishing breakfast when she got struck with that need.

The twins giggled at the sight of that expressive sight, causing the girl to pout a bit before gulping down her pride and letting kids be kids. It was nothing new in the Senju-Uzumaki household but... she couldn't help but feel like it's been a while since she had something exciting to do around Konoha. It's been a month since Dan-kun left her reach, which made things really monotonous due to how peace made missions so boring.

Yoshiko didn't expect much to change today as she walked out of the manor and towards the Hokage's office. She did notice that people were oddly happier than usual, which confused her since no big event was about to come up, so she ignored all the buzzing and shifted through the streets until she found her way to destination.

As she carelessly opened the door to her uncle's office, she was surprised that people were already there.

"Good morning-" Her voice died down, the redhead's attention aimed at a familiar face.

He was back, her Dan-kun was back. Her eyes dilated, her heart drummed up in anticipation... before she noticed he was not alone. A girl slightly older than her wearing a battle kimono and wielding three swords on one side, and a mature woman with pretty white hair, eyes similar to Himeko's and-

'Kami-sama! T-Those tits are...'

A threat. A big-tiddy threat at that.

Yoshiko partly-ignoring the handwave, smile and even the greeting from Danzou. She just bolted for him. He looked surprised, but didn't do much beyond tense up that she soon was upon it. Taking a page from Auntie Mito's book, Yoshiko did what she promised herself to do in due time.

Set her claim for her main straight up before he got caught by others. Danzou's eyes widened in surprise, but Yoshiko's target was lower. Lips met lips, and the two tripped downright by the desk much to Hashirama's surprise as he sat up and checked on the two downed ninja. Yoshiko leaned up, licking her victorious lips and smiling at the shocked Danzo that she just claimed much to the visible chagrins of the ladies he came with.

At this point, it was only fair that she claimed dibs where it was due.