"Are you sure that's… alright? I'm sure Da Vinci-chan would help you with that." Ria inquired with a fair amount of worry as I tried to handle the little bleeding problem I was in. To be fair, this wasn't the first time careless hugging put me through a stab wound, but it was made worse by the fact that it was caused by someone with a face I absolutely adored and was geared to hug without hesitation.
"Mou, how was I supposed to know that Mordred wasn't my baby girl..."
"Her armor should've been a telling sign," The blonde highlighted. "The one you had her wear was less cumbersome than the one made by Morgan."
That was a good point but, it wasn't my fault that I just forgot we were in quite the odd circumstance here and I forgot different versions of people existed.
That literally happened just as we got through with the fact that there are multiple Rias.
...Fuck off brain.
As usual, boss.
I glanced behind me and I saw the other Mordred huffing and raging over at her table. The cafeteria was big enough to have 'safe distances' between the various sections and I was well safe behind a couple of other Servants. I think I saw some Romans too, but I decided it was too early to come and say hi. Especially if one of the guys was actually Julius Caesar, since I really wasn't prepared to explain how I came to have Crocea Mors, and… then there was the trouble that would come at me if I ended up getting spotted by a possible version of Lucy was actually there to maul at my poor ass.
I already had enough trouble with that crazy woman, and I didn't need to be subdued, brought to a bed and… yeah. Those were sure some bizarre nights to remember right now.
I yawned looking at Ria with a bored room. "Are there other people we know here?"
"The entire round table, but it's… well-"
"Not the same people we know about," I concluded for her.
"There are also a couple Einzberns. They might not be related to Myasviel but we could go and check on them."
That sounded like a brilliant idea. Technically speaking, those individuals were meant to be family regardless of the timeline and I could perhaps recover from the double pain if I focused on something as fascinating as that.
But just as we planned out that action, I suddenly paused as I felt a shadow coat my entire form as someone really tall and bulky was standing behind me. I turned around and I had to lift my stare up to see the face of the guy. For a brief moment, my brain screamed 'Pillar Man', yet I doubted true jojo characters existed in this world. Else I would have seen Dio somewhere fighting off either that Golden Prick or that Egyptian Pharaoh that sounded like him.
He had a lot of muscles, he was wearing a very minimalist armor and his scleras were black while his eyes were bloody red. He was wearing a hat, so I couldn't tell what kind of color his hair was and…
His voice boomed proudly, his frame taking on a posture I was actually familiar with as he looked like Solaire before bellowing his catchphrase. In this case it was just 'Rome' and it kind of revealed what kind of group this guy came from. I checked on Ria, and she looked more confused than threatened, a good sign since it meant the big guy wasn't dangerous.
So, feeling particularly in need of something crazy, I just took his very position, and then exclaiming my own catchphrase.
He stared, and I stared. There was an awful amount of silence for an awful amount of time. I could see a few heads poke from behind him, with the most prominent behind the one owned by a blonde that reminded me of a fair much Ria, but that looked also different for some reason. Way happier than she would usually let go without incentive.
"An interesting response to the call of Rome. I suppose that, even though your blood is Roman, you didn't become an Imperator early on."
I offered a nod. "Started as King of Britannia then I was pulled in the entire imperial business when one of the claimants tried to reclaim the British Isles as hers. One thing led to another and… I kind of became the head of the Roman Empire reborn."
"It sounds like there's a lot to unravel, which is why you've summarized it all like that," The man commented with a nod. "Alas, I will not push you to say any of it, as I can tell that you are a child of mine. A child of Rome!"
The last bit had me incredibly perplexed and I was really trying to make sense of who this guy was. Not only was he quite imposing with his figure, but I could tell all Romans were keen to lower their head at him. There was a degree of true submission that could only be given to… the ancestor himself.
"You're… Romulus, right?"
"That is indeed the case, child of mine."
Holy Jesus, Romulus just adopted me as his son and now I'm part of the big Rome Family.
"I accept without reservations!" I replied tensely and Romulus chuckled, but as I prepared to interact with the other Servants that were now intrigued by this development, I felt someone pull at my arm. Ria was holding onto me, preventing me from stepping forward. I frowned in confusion at that sudden development.
I turned back to the Roman Servants and they looked fairly confused too. I mean, it was obvious that she didn't want to let me go there but… why?
"What's wrong?"
"We're Britons."
"But also Romans," I replied with a frown. "You have Roman blood, just like everyone that is tied to us… well, except Mya and Scathach."
The girl actually paused. "W-What? But- But I'm not-"
"Your ancestors were of Rome, Child," Romulus confirmed with a nod. "While it's true that you might have not fought for Rome due to the situation you were born in, that doesn't exclude you from being part of us."
By all means, Ria wasn't convinced by this explanation. Something about her frowning and her skeptical interest in accepting this logic just made her unwilling to nod at this possibility.
"But the others-"
"Fought against those claiming Rome and became enemies of Rome in their timelines," The fellow blonde interrupted mirthfully. "But you didn't. And that means you're no enemy of Rome, Umu~!"
And it was with that response from the girl that I finally realized why the others were excluded and why Ria thought she was also rejected through that possibility. The other Rias fought against a version of Lucy. Lucius Tiberius was the original version, so I wouldn't be surprised if they handled that enemy at one time after facing Vortigern.
Ria stood beside me with a nervous look and she soon found herself staring at the Servant that looked just like her. There was tension between the two and I could tell that both were trying to understand how to begin a conversation. At least, on the young Ria's part of things.
The red-dressed blonde? She absolutely jumped on board with the idea. She rushed in to grab us in a hug and giggle. "Welcome in this glorious group, fellow Children of Rome! Let's have the best of fun and… I shall make sure you will get premium tickets for my Nerofest."
What is a Nerofest and- wait.
"You're Nero?"
She puffed her chest out. "Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, that's my name! But I prefer Nero," She pulled out of the hug. "Why? Anything you need to ask?"
"A couple," I replied admittedly, but… I just couldn't imagine this girl being a pyromaniac. Actually, scratch that, I've seen some crazy shit to believe a lot of things about this kind of stuff. We soon engaged with the Romans, and I had to share that conversation with Caesar that I had tried to avoid until… he actually admitted he didn't care much about it.
"I dropped that sword because I didn't need it. I was already fated to victory, so I allowed for someone else to use it. I'm glad to see I was correct about it, Joseph."
And that solved most of my problem. Now, hopefully, the twins didn't summon Lucy or things sure are going to go south really fast for everyone.
As we all started to grow accustomed to the current circumstances, with Ria growing more confident to speak with the bubbly Nero, we failed to notice until a little too late that the twins, Gudao and Gudako, were approaching us. The two were sharing a nervous look as between them a new Servant paced up and picked up speed as she rushed toward us.
I heard the footsteps a little too late, and soon I felt someone wrap their arms tightly around my neck. I groaned at the sudden attempt to tackle me down in a fierce hug, as I held back just fine. I turned around, trying to discern the identity of the 'attacker' and I felt my amusement double as I found a familiar pretty smile on a familiar pretty face.
"Dad!" Mordred exclaimed. This was definitely my daughter due to the slight older frame of hers compared to her counterpart. Her features were definitely several steps into adulthood, but her smile was as bright and cute as it was when I first saw it on her face back when she was just a little toddler.
I turned around and hugged her back. "Sweetie!"
I heard some chuckles from around, mostly from Ria as she smiled warmly at the sight before her eyes and… waiting for her turn to hug her 'niece'. But as she patiently waited for her turn, her gaze suddenly turned as she felt a hint of pure anger aimed at us three. Her eyes narrowed at the origin of it as the other Mordred had perceived the arrival of the version we were more familiar with and… she didn't look that happy.
Not at all.