JoJo & Ria 6: King x King x King (1)

Once again the 'gang' marched on.

It took Medb and Ria a while to get accustomed to the new member, but Zel soon proved to be incredibly useful in terms of magical assistance. He was a bit of a joker, but never to the point of drawing people to madness with his pranks and antics. He was a comedian at heart, but… there were also times where 'jokes' could end up taking them to unplanned trips across the cosmos.

Such as when an experiment from our gang's mage resulted in a blinding white light which… did nothing. Like, absolutely nothing. They were still in the same forest we had been wandering in a while, just a few miles off from home. It was quite the odd development since something usually happened during these times.

Heck, it became such an expected situation that Medb no longer screamed at the sight of Demons trying to bypass the realm of space/time. Yet, while at first they were confident things had remained unchanged, their expectation changed when they started to wander off to get back to Londinium and- they were soon dangling off the ground through some ropes-related trap that snapped on them.

Medb eeped loudly as she moved to keep her dress from folding and show off any unwarranted exposure. Ria groaned as she started to cut into the ropes, surprised when more ropes seemed to form with each one she would end up cutting. Jojo blinked at the sight and turned his attention to their only expert on the case. He could sense something was wrong in the force.

"Zel, analysis!"

"It would seem we have been 'captured' by unknown forces, boss," The magician hummed as he was quite at ease compared to the rest. "I would also dare to say something about this dimension is wrong."

"T-This dimension? What do you mean?" Ria half-shrieked, flaying Excalibur with growing unease. "And what is wrong with these ropes?!"

Zelretch opened his mouth to reply to that, but he was cut short by another voice.

"The ropes are meant to keep on strapping on you until I so decide to free you four from this trap," A short girl remarked flatly, handling her peculiar staff with incredible ease despite it being a most heavy contraption. "Still, I'm confused. How come you feel more like kingly figures than mere adventurers?"

"I'm King Joseph of Britannia," Jojo introduced himself without hesitation, soon followed by Medb.

"Queen Medb of Connaught, prettiest pinkette in Ireland."

'But there aren't many pinkettes in Ireland, Medb,' Jojo argued, only to get a huff from the girl and a pout.

"I'm the prettiest pinkette here," The short girl rebuked with some annoyance. "Name's Habetrot."

"Zelretch, I like to play things with dimensional barriers."

"And I'm Arthur Pendragon, King of Britons."

"King of what? Britons? Britannia? That's preposterous! Morgan is the ruler of these lands. The faes are in charge, not humans," Habetrot remarked, staring at them with disbelief and they returned that glance with equal confusion.

"Morgan?" Ria inquired with a shocked tone.

"I'm quite sure she is still imprisoned," Jojo assured. "This dimension- Wait, you mentioned Faes were in charge, right? What about Mab and Oberon?"

"Hmm, that's a bit of a troublesome history to remember, but I know only that Morgan and the Fairy Clans are now in charge of the English Realm," The short pinkette assured. "In fact, this whole situation is quite unexpected. A different dimension? That's quite absurd to believe but… I can tell you are not lying. Your swords aren't."

The ropes untangled and soon they were all falling on the ground. Zel landed smoothly, while Medb managed to use a nearby tree to stabilize and slow down her fall. Ria fell onto a soft and pillowed section of the ground- which turned out to be a groaning Jojo as he had fallen down face-first and provided Ria a way to not get hurt in a similar way.


Jojo mumbled something close to 'it is alright' or 'then stop putting your weight on my back'. It took them a while to recollect themselves and soon a wider interaction with the mysterious fae started regarding the events that transpired in recent times. It felt just so absurd to imagine that the situation could be so radically different from the one back home. Morgan was queen? Londinium had been destroyed? And what's this about the world slowly coiling towards England and preparing to kill off most of life in it?

It wouldn't take them long to be brought in proximity to see that they were quite close to Camelot right now and… it felt different to glance at it. It looked 'grayer' than before, as if something had drawn most of the colors out of it. Ria's face showed no emotion, but just a glance to her beloved city showed the flaws with it in this dimension. It lacked the warm colors, the feeling, the humanity- and Jojo was patting her shoulder before that scene.

"Morgan… what did she do?" The blonde muttered in dismay. "The knights- her children- Where is Merlin and… me?"

"I don't think your counterpart is gone and… that jerk wizard is too cheeky to die," Jojo assured with genuine hopefulness. "Trust me, they will be alright."

"Yeah," Medb assured. "I bet your other self is around kicking baddies' butts right now and… claiming names?"

"Definitely claiming butts too," Jojo confirmed mirthfully, before looking a bit further on Camelot. "You think that she got someone defending it? Like knights as strong as Lancelot or her children?"

"She has her fairy knights," Habetrot remarked, drawing their attention back to her. "They are considered the strongest warriors, and one of them is her heiress so… if you plan to do something about this, I request you keep up some caution on the matter."

"We'll not break things," Medb promised, before allowing her smile to grow. "Much."

The short fae groaned and shook her head at the notion that she may as well introduced some world-enders to the closest path to cause the most havoc. Sadly for her, the situation would soon escalate to a greater length, with revelations, ambitions, pinkettes clashing in the name of their ideals, heavy head patting sessions, and a throne that was now representing the reason driving two kings to clash against a fellow one.

From a tale of two, this story would soon shift to one between three kings. A smug chad, a reasonably cautious blonde, and a very cunning and bored silver-haired queen.