
Chapter 23: Rights

It was a very sunny day, Terrence and Mia are together walking side by side.

"What program are you going to take?" Terrence asked Mia who is busy walking like she's on the moon, "We're graduating soon" They are finally finishing high school.

"I'm taking Engineering" Mia then walked a head "You?"

Terrence then stopped behind Mia and looked at her lovingly,

What he can she is the girl that he loves… smiling so brightly without a problem, a smile that could melt his heart easily.

"Maybe I'll go with you too, If Dad permits" Mia turned to him and linked her arms to his "It will be fun" then they continued to walk towards where their friends are.

When they are just about to enter the place where their friends are waiting, Terrence stops in front of the door and called out Mia.


"What?" she just looked at him like she's waiting for something he has to say.

"I—"he's nervous and flustered at the same time

"I know" Mia just smiled and went inside.

Terrence woke up with a hammering headache

The dream that he had have been replaying in his head for the past 4 years, he could have told her what he feels that day but he got coward and didn't speak a thing.

Mia knows what he feels and Terrence knows what she feels. They both know that it is mutual.

As soon as he forced himself to get up, Ian entered his room

"I suggest that you take a rest today" then Ian placed a plate of food for him, toast and some ham. All instant.

"Don't we have a recording today?" He needs to go to work, He needs to talk again to Mia. He will not give up no matter what Mia says.

He knows deep inside that Mia still feels the same way, or he hope so…

"Mia already called even before we can inform her of what happened to you, she says that she have some urgent matters she needs to attend to"

Terrence just kept his silence, 'Does she really have something to do or is she avoiding me'

"And she made sure that I tell you that she's not avoiding you, she really have some matters to do" then Ian stood up "Stop over thinking and just eat, you can't be sick for a long time, no one will cook for us."

"Why do I always have to cook for you guys?" it's true that among the four of them he is the only one that can cook a decent meal.

"Argon is still not around so the burden does fall unto you, well you can make a choice, and if one of us cooks our meal, you have to finish it no matter what." Ian said

"Alright, alright… I'll cook our lunch, just buy some grocery will you" then he grabbed his plate of food and started to eat…

He'll die if he even try to eat what they will try to cook.

Terrence then remember one incident when they were still in High School.

The four of them are gathered in a circle while playing some Uno cards, they are currently at Mia's house.

"Hey Mia! Can we eat something?" Faux was then holding his grumbling stomach.

Mia was then doing her scale model assignment for her elective class.

"Just eat whatever's there, I need to finish this" she said to them while focusing on her project

Ian then stood up and starts rummaging Mia's fridge.

Those three just took out whatever it is that they wanted to eat and started boiling them together,

They combined the worst food that you could imagine.

"Just add this, I ate this yesterday at my sister's place it was good" Max then added some celery on "their" stew,

"This one too" Ian then dropped some eggs

"Here's another!!" Faux then put some peanut butter on it.

'I'm won't take a sip of that concoction' then Terrence just shook his head. 'Mia's going to kill this three'.

After a few minutes Mia then went out of her room when she smell something horrible in the kitchen

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Mia then looked at a weird looking stew that they have been brewing for at least an hour since. It was black.

"ahm cooking?" then Mia looked at Faux eye to eye for a good 3 seconds with her eyes saying 'are you dead serious'.

Terrence just laughed at them as Mia smacked their heads. These three just can't be left alone in the kitchen.

"Just be thankful that they didn't burn the kitchen" Terrence said while Mia walked towards him and also smacked his head.

"You shouldn't have left then alone in the kitchen!" then Mia grabbed a broom and started to hit them one by one.

They just run for their lives while laughing

As Terrence finished his breakfast, Ian went out to grab some groceries that Terrence ordered him to get.

"This is better than taking care of a sick grown up" he doesn't even know how to take care of himself so how can he even take care of Terrence.

Early in the morning they all played rock paper scissors to know who will stay at home to look after Terrence. Sadly, Ian lost.

Ian then went out of the house and saw Ysa get out of her car. 'Did she just came home?'

He actually looked at Ysa form head to toe, she was indeed still wearing the same clothes that she is wearing yesterday.

"Good Morning" Ysa just greeted Ian who is coming out of their apartment, she was about to get up to her room when Ian stopped him…

"This you just go home today?" Ian said with hesitation

"Yea?" and she just went up to her apartment.

Ian was stunned in disbelief. "What the hell?!" annoyance is evident in Ian's face but he can't do anything about it. He wanted to go upstairs and confront Ysa but he can't do anything about it.

He doesn't have any rights to.