Is this real!
D- did I!
I should say, did we!
Achieve the impossible!?
The unthinkable!?
Did we truly achieve this unachievable task!?
Have we truly achieve... a 5 star rating!?
I- I couldn't believe it, to think that I!
An "ordinary" person like me was able to achieve this, no!
To think WE! Were able to achieve this!
To think we would have made the impossible, possible.
For we have entered a new era!
The era of Five Shining Stars!
A Grand New Era in the making!
Happening right before your very eyes!
For we are making history!
Immortalize in the tunnels of time as one of the few novels that achieve the grand goal of a perfect Five Star Rating!
Named as one of the greats with its name resounding in the history of mankind!
Nay, the history of the whole universe!
For we!
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Have entered!
(Achieved in February 21, 2022 - 89th day of writing)