Chapter 27

The group of females was about to turn the corner when Alex caught Jayden watching them. She scurried over, and Jayden couldn't help but want to pull her in his arms. Ruby saw her fiancé Alec as well and came over gleefully. Their friends, curious, followed behind.

"Hi, Alec," Ruby said. "I want you to meet my friends."

Alexandra came over to stand behind her husband's chair and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. Jayden, as comfortable as ever, stroked his wife's hand and kissed her on the lips.

Behind them, Soriya and Dara glanced at each other and snickered delightfully. Then they expected the same lovey-dovey performance from Alec and Ruby. They weren't disappointed. Alec pulled Ruby into his arms and gave her a passionate kiss, at which Ruby scowled.

"That's enough, mister. We're in front of my friends."

Alec just laughed it off. "Sorry, sweetheart," he apologized in his strong Scottish brogue.

Isabella, Georgina, and, of course, Dara and Soriya all sighed dreamily.

"Aww, he's got such an awesome accent," Soriya said. "I feel my body quivering with love. Quick, help me, Dara."

Dara chuckled and patted her sister's shoulder to calm her down.

It was then Sam noticed the girls. Their facial features struck something deep in his core, and he realized they looked oddly familiar.

"Alex," Jayden said to his wife. "Why don't you do the introductions?"

Alex nodded and turned to her friends. "Guys, this is Sam Harrington."

"Harrington?" Soriya shrieked out in delight. "Like the Harrington?"

Sam chuckled. Oddly enough, he found this young woman very charming and delightful.

He said, "Just Sam Harrington."

Dara shook her head. "No. No. Not just Sam Harrington. You're like the Harrington, as in the owner of this hotel chain?"

Sam didn't know how to respond to that. He simply nodded. Yes, this was yet another charming, delightful young woman. Then he wondered what their names were. He was pretty sure they were sisters.

He didn't have to wait long before Alex said, "Sam, these are my friends. These two pretty, outspoken darlings are Soriya and Dara." Then she nodded to the other girls. "Georgina and Isabella."

"Nice to meet you," Georgina said.

"Same here," Isabella said.

"Oh my gosh!" Soriya gushed in delight. "It's so awesome to actually meet you in person, Mr. Harrington."

"Totally awesome," Dara said. "My company is going to be working for yours. We're designing and decorating your new hotel and resort."

Sam laughed. "Cooper and Hunter, is it?"

Dara nodded furiously. "Yes. Though I'm very new. I started three months ago. We just moved from New Zealand, by the way, my sisters and I. And so excited to be here, starting a new life and everything. It's so awesome!"

Sam couldn't help but feel this sort of happy radiance reaching out to him from the two sisters. They sure were friendly and outgoing. Then, of course, the word awesome reminded him of his darling Lilly. It was her favorite word now. Every time when she thought something was amazing, she'd use the word awesome. She even made both Timothy and Jason, Marian's grandsons, use it, too.

"Awesome," he said.

"Yes," Soriya said. "Awesome."

Dara chimed in. "It's our family-favorite word."

The girls laughed.

"If you think we're weird," Dara said, "which we're totally not, it's not our fault. It's Chan's. When she was a teacher, she used to use that word with the kids at school, and it got stuck with us, too."

Soriya nodded. "Right. It's her fault."

Sam felt his heart skip a beat at the mention of the name Chan.

Shit! Why the heck did he suddenly feel like he was so close? Oh God! He needed to know. He needed to find out. He knew without a doubt these two sisters were related to Chan. It was hard to miss, for heaven's sake. Their features were so similar. There was no mistake.

"Chan?" he asked.

"Our eldest," Dara said. "We call her Chan. It's her nickname. Her real name is Chandra. Like the moon in Sanskrit."

Sam's eyes brightened in delight. "That's a very beautiful name," he said, and he knew without a doubt now he was very close. He couldn't believe it. The world was so small, just as Alec had said only a few minutes ago.

"Oh gosh, the kids love her. It's so unfair." Soriya moaned. "Even little Andy prefers her over us."

Isabella chuckled. "Maybe some people just have the gift with children."

"And you're not one of them," Georgie chimed in teasingly.

"Speaking of children," Jayden said, looking up at his wife. "We're invited to Lilly's birthday party next Saturday."

"Really? That's awesome," Alex said. Then when she realized she'd just used the word awesome, she chuckled. "I think it's contagious."

A chorus of laughter followed.

Ruby asked Alec, "Are we invited, too?" At Alec's nod, she clasped her hands together with glee. "We have to go shopping for some presents."

"Alex and Ruby's friends are invited as well," Sam said, looking at both Dara and Soriya.

The sisters glanced at each other and then said, "Awesome!" in unison.

Sam was delighted. For the first time in three years, he was looking forward to having people coming around to his house for his daughter's birthday party. It wasn't the fact that he didn't like having Lilly's birthday party at home; it was just that it was always so dead with just him, Lilly, Jeremy, and Marian and her two grandsons, Jason and Timothy, as well as the boys' parents Adam and Holly, who was Sam's friends. Of course, there were other kids from Lilly's school as well, and there were Nina and her close circle of friends. But that was about all.

His mom Fran had managed to join in with the celebration last year, but she wouldn't be able to make it this year.

So the party had always been so uninspiring, especially for him. But this year… This year was going to be different. These charming girls were joining in, and he knew Lilly was going to really enjoy herself and love it. He couldn't wait. More importantly, he couldn't wait to meet the eldest sister Chandra at the party.

Suddenly, Sam felt like some twenty-year-old young man again, looking forward to partying and dating. It was ridiculous but true.

Once again, the group laughed at the sisters' comment. It was then Nina returned from the restroom, her face beautiful and lovely. As she took the seat beside Sam, she eyed the group of young women with suspicion and hostility. Her eyes locked on the two younger ones because she noted Sam was paying them too much attention and he kept smiling at them.

Of course, she didn't miss the fact these two, who she assumed were sisters, looked similar to the pretty young woman in the restroom either, the one in the white dress.

Alex noticed the hostility in which Nina regarded them and straightened up. "We better go."

Jayden gave her a peck on the cheek. "Have fun."

Alec gave Ruby a kiss as well before the girls departed.

Soriya said, "Oh, and we'll bring some salads and satay kebabs. Chan makes a mean satay kebab."

Sam laughed. "Sure," he said, and he was looking forward to those kebabs.

They were heading toward the bar and out of earshot when Soriya said to her sister, "That woman gives me the chills." She even quivered in trepidation to show her point.

Dara knew who her sister was referring to. It was that woman who came to sit beside the hunky billionaire Sam as if she owned him. She'd glared at them like they were her mortal enemies or something.

"She's none of our business," Dara said. "Just don't get involved with her. That's my best advice. She looks like she could kill."