Chapter 34

"It's getting better," Chan said, sipping her hot chocolate and staring at him over the rim of her mug.

He was so good-looking. Dark hair, warm brown eyes, broody features, tall, well-built with toned muscles; he was every woman's fantasy.

Sam was watching her, too. He couldn't help but want to pull her into his arms and onto his lap. Then maybe kiss her until she was senseless.

Of course, the moment he'd seen her walking through the door and complaining about her pain, it both pleased and surprised him. No, that wasn't it. The pleasure and surprise at seeing her was nothing compared to the excitement he felt the moment he'd seen her in her sleeping garments. Flimsy white tank top, short-short sleeping pants, and bedroom hair, she was exquisitely beautiful. The sight of her alone was an invitation, seducing him, making him weak with wonder. The woman was disarmingly alluring, and she didn't even know she could bring men to their knees.

"That's right," Soriya said. "Sam said he's here to take you to get it checked. Your ankle, I mean."

Chan flicked her gaze to her sister. "Huh?"

Sam said, "I made an appointment with Adam last night."

"What? Who's Adam?" Chan turned her question to Sam. "But it's a Sunday."

"Adam's our family doctor and a friend," he said, then changed subject. "Do you want help getting back upstairs to get ready?"

At this query, both Dara and Soriya turned their attention to their sister expectantly.

"Err… Now, you mean?" Chan asked. "But it's a Sunday. No clinic works on a Sunday."

Sam got up and leaned toward her. "We're going to his house."

"Oh?" Chan responded.

"Come on," he said, scooping her into his arms.

Chan gasped out in surprise as he lifted her into the air and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Dara and Soriya looked at each other and then smiled.

Sam was just carrying her past the door and heading toward the stairs when he said something that tugged deep in her heart. "Lilly is waiting for you."

She turned to look at him. "Lilly? You told Lilly about me?"

Sam knew he hit the target and smiled. "Hmm, she couldn't wait to see you."

Chan tightened her hand around his shoulders, feeling a lump in her throat. She both wanted yet did not want to see the little girl. Surely, if she were to meet with Lilly once again, that meant she'd get to meet Lilly's mother as well. That blonde she'd kind of met last night in the restroom.

Chan had the feeling she and the woman were not likely to get along. Then, of course, she remembered the glare she'd received from her last night, and it made her shiver in trepidation.

No matter how she looked at it, Chan knew she was already in the deep end, and she was in trouble. Very big trouble.

"Chan's room is that way," Dara said, pointing to the end of the hallway behind them.

Sam made a sound that drew Chan's attention. There was something about his broody expression that made her grow warm on the inside. There was a sense of this nostalgia about his countenance. It was as though he were revisiting old memories and felt both happy and regretful at the same time.

Sam was indeed revisiting old memories. Ever since he'd found out from Soriya where the sisters were living, he'd been both shocked and pleased. To have learned the woman he was interested in was living in his apartment and he was their landlord, that was an advantage to him. Then when he'd stepped into this particular dwelling only about a half hour ago, old memories of his previous life with Sarah rushed back to him in full force. It was nostalgic to say the least.

Now they were heading to the master bedroom, his bedroom he'd shared with Sarah before she'd passed on.

As they came in through the door, he noted the arrangement of the beds and furniture was completely different. The way Chan arranged everything was simple, cozy, and very feminine.

He gently placed her on the bed and stood back. "I'll wait downstairs," he said, turning on his heel.

"Err… Thanks," Chan said, watching him exit.

The moment he was out of sight, her sisters came rushing in.

"Want some help getting ready?" Dara asked.

"No, I'll be fine," Chan said, dismissing her sisters and heading over to the bathroom, limping and wondering why she had the feeling Sam knew his way around the house. Then she also wondered why he had that particular dark, forlorn look on his face. It made her heart ache both for him and with him. It was weird, and it stayed with her as she struggled with getting herself ready.

As slow and laborious as she thought she was in getting herself dressed, she was actually done some twenty minutes later, wearing a loose T-shirt and gray shorts. She managed to quickly put on some light makeup as well as braid her long hair before heading downstairs again.

She was halfway down when Sam appeared. He shook his head with a dark scowl as he headed her way.

"Honestly, woman, why are you so stubborn?"

Chan was offended. "Excuse me?"

He scooped her into his arms and carried her the rest of the way down the stairs.

"He's right, you know," Dara chimed in. "You're awfully independent."

Chan frowned at her sister. "You make it sound like it's a bad thing."

"Where Mr. Harrington's concerned," Soriya put in, "it is, darling."

Noting both her sisters had their bags with them, she assumed they intended to tag along. "I see you two are coming as well?"

They were heading toward the door now, and Soriya said, "Why not? Sam said Marian is preparing lunch for us."

Chan turned her attention to Sam. "Who's Marian?"

She had no doubt this Marian had to be his wife.

"Marian is great," Sam said. "She's a darling, and Lilly loves her to bits."

She knew it. Marian was that blond woman, Sam's wife and Lilly's mother. Suddenly, she didn't want to go anymore. Her sprained ankle could rot for all she cared.

"I don't feel very well," she said, turning her face away from Sam. Then she proceeded to make him put her down by struggling in his arms. "I want to go to bed."

She knew she was a coward, but she couldn't help herself. She just couldn't face the fact that soon she'd be hanging around Sam's family. She'd see him doting on his family. Yes, it was fine he doted on his daughter. It was expected. In fact, it'd make her like him even more for doing so. There was just that something about men who loved kids that made her heart melt. But such endearing action toward the wife? Seeing it happening before her very eyes would only hurt her, making her feel like a third wheel.

Sam tightened his arms about her, ignoring her attempt at escaping. Dara and Soriya looked at each other, both suspicious and concerned.

"Then all the more reason you need to see a doctor," Sam said, walking out the door.

Chan grimaced. He wasn't listening to her. How dare he? Why was he acting like they were related? More importantly, why was he acting like she was his girlfriend? Carrying her around and taking her to see a doctor of all things.

She wanted to get back in the apartment. The group, however, was walking hastily toward the elevator, and Chan groaned inwardly, knowing there was nothing she could do to make them commiserate with her secret emotional turmoil.