Chapter 37

Chan gazed at Marian long and hard, and then it dawned on her. Marian wasn't Sam's wife, was she? Marian was… Marian. Instantly, she felt so stupid for making such an assumption. No wonder Sam said she wasn't the type to get jealous.

But what about Sam's wife? That was when she stared at Sam's left hand and noted there wasn't a wedding band on his ring finger.

Is Sam a single father? That realization hit her right in the gut. She hadn't been kissing a married man after all. She hadn't been liking a married man after all. Suddenly, she wanted to laugh in relief.

"Is everything okay?" Holly asked.

Chan jolted back to reality. "Yes. I'm fine." She glanced to her right and saw Sam watching her, his eyes twinkling with amusement. Her heart skipped a beat in delight as she continued to gaze at him. Of course, the eye contact didn't go unnoticed by the others around the table either.

After lunch, Soriya and Dara helped clean up while Lilly, Timothy, and Jason spent time with Chan and Sam. Once the dishes were done, they were ready to depart.

"Look!" Dara said at the door. "I don't have to cook dinner tonight." In her hands were leftovers in containers.

Soriya said, "Thanks to Marian. She is awesome!"

The two sisters did a high five. Lilly jumped up and down and begged to have one as well. The sisters happily obliged and gave her high fives.

After profusely thanking Marian and her family for lunch, Chan and her sisters, along with Lilly, hopped into Sam's car. Lilly was comfortably wedged between Dara and Soriya, while Chan was once again sitting in the front beside Sam.

Lilly started singing as Sam drove. She even made the sisters sing along. Chan knew most of the tunes because they were children's songs she'd taught the kids during her years as an elementary school teacher.

Sam couldn't keep his smile at bay as he listened to the out-of-tune singing. Now and again, he'd glance at Chan, and his heart would glow with delight. When they finally arrived at the sisters' apartment, he was quite disappointed the journey took so little time.

Once again, he didn't need any invitation to get the chance to carry Chan. After parking the car, he was around on Chan's side in an instant, scooping her into his arms.

The moment she felt his embrace around her, Chan blushed and held her breath. One would have thought she'd be used to having him so close to her by now, but she wasn't.

His nose and lips brushed lightly against her cheek as he bent to take her into his arms. Whether the contact was on purpose or not, Chan wasn't sure. But the action sure did set her heart racing and her body squirming in delight.

Once everyone was out and the car was locked, Sam led the way toward the apartment building.

Lilly giggled and said to Dara, "Daddy carries Chan like he carries me at home."

Dara eyed the pair ahead of them and said, "Does he now?"

Soriya took Lilly by the hand as they strolled along. Then, of course, she couldn't help herself and asked the little girl, "Lilly, darling?"

"Hmm?" Lilly glanced up at Soriya in question.

"Does your dad ever carry other girls?"

Lilly immediately shook her head. "No. Only me… and now Chan." She smiled brightly.

Soriya cleared her throat. "What about that blond woman?"

Lilly asked, "Blond woman?"

They were at the door of the building now, and Soriya whispered, "Isn't there a blond woman in your dad's life? She's awfully beautiful."

Lilly frowned. "Blond woman? You mean Nina? But she's not pretty at all. Not like you two and Chan."

Soriya blushed at the compliment. "Why thank you, darling."

Dara looked at her sister. "Soriya isn't pretty, Lilly. She's annoying."

Lilly giggled at the comment. Once she managed to settle down, she whispered to the two sisters, "I don't like Nina. She's not very nice."

"Oh?" Dara was interested now. "How is she not very nice?"

Lilly frowned again. Dara thought the little girl still looked very cute even when she frowned.

"She's only nice to me when Daddy's around," Lilly said, staring at the floor.

Dara and Soriya looked at each other at that comment, concerned.

Dara tousled Lilly's head and said gently, "Lilly, darling, why don't you tell your dad Nina is mean to you?"

Lilly bit her lip. "But I can't. Nina told me not to."

Soriya looked like she wanted to slap somebody, and Dara thought that somebody must be Nina.

"Lilly," Sam called from the distance, interrupting them.

Lilly looked up. Once she saw her dad in the elevator with Chan, she smiled and then ran to him.

Dara and Soriya looked at each other and then headed into the elevator as well.

They arrived at the apartment, and Dara opened the door wide for Sam to come in, carrying Chan. Lilly stepped over the threshold with interest.

Sam watched his daughter hopping about and looking around with a big smile on her face. He hadn't seen her this relaxed and happy around new people since Sarah's passing. Then he wondered if she remembered living here four years ago. He had a feeling she didn't, since she was so small then.

Dara and Soriya took Lilly away, offering the little girl a tour of the house. Sam was only too glad for their absence, for then he could be alone with the woman in his arms.

He took his time making his way toward the living area. There, he headed to the couch. Then he lowered her onto the seat.

Chan watched him, her cheeks bright pink as he gazed intensely at her. Surely, she thought, he is taking too long putting me down. She released her arms once she felt herself against the softness of the seat, to encourage him to release her. Still, he did not, and she hadn't a clue as to what to do.

She cleared her throat and said, "Thanks."

Sam smiled. "No problem." Then finally, he let her go. Instead of moving back, however, he moved closer to her, and damn, he couldn't help himself. He buried his fingers in the depths of her long, thick hair.

Shit! He really couldn't control himself. He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers.

Chan held her breath and shut her eyes. Oh God! She could feel the warmth of his breath against her skin, driving her insane. Then she felt a light brush of his lips against hers, and she squirmed in delight. A sense of love spread along her being, and she felt like she was in paradise.

Sam pressed his lips against her hard, and he was about to go all out, plunging his tongue into her mouth and kissing her passionately, when a voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Daddy? Are you kissing Chan?"

Sam pulled back with lightning speed. He turned his attention to his daughter and said, "Lilly, sweetheart."

"Are you?" Lilly asked, her eyes large and her smile bright.

"No, he wasn't," Chan said, blushing profusely.

"Aww." Lilly pulled a face in disappointment.

At that instant, Dara and Soriya appeared at the door.

"Aww what? Lilly?" Dara asked.

Chan arranged herself comfortably on the seat as Sam came over to his daughter. He took Lilly into his arms and said, "Time to go."

Once again, Lilly pulled a face. "Do we have to?"

Sam chuckled. "Yes. Daddy has work."

Soriya rolled her eyes. "Even on a Sunday, huh?"

Sam smiled. "I'm afraid so, ladies."

Dara waved at Lilly. "Bye."

Lilly giggled. "Bye-bye."

Sam said, "See you ladies Saturday."

"Sure thing," Soriya said, leading them to the door.

Chan watched them disappear from sight, her cheeks still bright red. Slowly, she gently touched her fingers to her lips and smiled.