Chapter 10: Zed vs Elastor

Return to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse after Eva escaped. In their achievement room, Zack and Hatai were being healed. Zack ate a lot and drank beer, he was injected with special healing solutions, so did Hatai but he only ate vegetables and fruits. The Colossus ate coals and The Death ate crates of fruit. Hatai said angrily:

"I can't believe I lost against that wolf spirit."

Zack replied:

"You're just so weak, I can't believe Urizen chose you to replace the old Horseman of Death."

"Have you forgotten that I am the strongest of the Horseman of Death's army, I fought by his side through many wars only when after the war at Sandx he left and lived in seclusion."

"I don't know why he left like that? Oh yeah, where's Reaper, Exos?

Exos sat silently and readed a book, he pointed in the direction of Reaper's room. Zack said

"He's really angry. Anyway, I don't want to hear the screams in his room anymore."

Back to the Reaper, after the battle with Elastor he became even more mad and angry because all the experiments were gone. This psychopath was the grave of his disgusting experiments. Reaper cried out blood and said:

"I apologize my children. I will avenge you soon, that Elf will pay the price."

Reaper then rushed to the prison with the excitement of wanting to meet someone. He went deeper into the dungeon and came to a special cell with a door made of black stone and chained. Reaper summoned a Whisperer scythe and slashed the doors and chains in half to reveal the inside of a darkened room where someone was. Reaper reached out his hand and said cheerfully:

"I'm back, my son."

The person inside jumped outside and hugged Reaper, a teenager with long white hair that reached to his feet. That boy said:

"Daddy's back, daddy's back!"

Reaper said affectionately:

"Hi Alata, you still look cute."

"I'm bored in my room, but you are here to picked me up."

"Oh son, how happy I am that you are still by my side."

"What do you mean? What happened to my brothers and sisters?"

"Oh my son, a wicked man has killed them."


"He mercilessly burned your brothers and sisters to death."

Alata's hair was shining, he said angry:

"Who dares to kill them?"

Reaper smiled evilly, he said:

"Go out there and hunt for a guy with Elf ears, he's in this city."

"Yes, father."

Alata said:

"The Ghost."

Alata summoned his Elemental Spirit The Ghost, which was a white shadow like a ghost. Reaper said:

"Oh The Ghost, my artificial Elemental Spirit."

Alata ordered The Ghost:

"Go find an Elf."

The Ghost obeyed orders and flew out of the castle to find Elastor. And that night when Elastor was walking down the street. The Ghost found him and took possession of Elastor's body. Elastor lay down, he writhed in pain and passed out. Elastor opened his eyes and flashed a wicked smile. The next morning at the Dream workshop, Zed, Eva and Julia were waiting for customers again. Elastor entered the store and said:

"Hello everyone, here I come."

Zed replied:

"Hello Elastor, here we go again. Where's my Elf wine?"

"Ah, I haven't cooked yet."

Zed said dejectedly:

"Really boring."

Elastor said to Eva:

"Eva, I have something important to tell you."

Eva replied:

"What's wrong Elastor?"

"There's an important person who wants to see you, he said he's a general in the castle and wants to join the resistance against Urizen."

"Really? Did he say who he was?"

"No, he wants to hide his identity in case Urizen finds out."

Julia said:

"That's good, Eva, let's go see him."

Zed said suspiciously:

"May I ask, how does that person know you know Eva?"

Elastor replied:

"He said he saw Eva come out of the Dream workshop."

"Then why didn't he come here to meet Eva in person. I don't remember you liking meeting strangers."

"Uh so..."

Julia interjected:

"Enough Zed, he already asked Elastor. Eva, let's go see the general."

Eva replied:

"Agreed. Zed, are you going?"

Zed said:

"Nah, I'm too lazy. I'll stay here to look after the shop."

Eva replied:

"All right then, Elastor lead the way."

Eva, Julia and Elastor left the Dream workshop and followed Elastor. At this time, Elastor showed a ghostly smile. Back the night before, after Elastor was possessed by The Ghost, it directed his body to Reaper and Alata's place. Entering their room, the Reaper chained Elastor and The Ghost flew out of his body. Elastor woke up and looked around, he said:

"Oh no, please don't be… Oh no."

Elastor saw Reaper and Alata in front of him, he said dejectedly:

"Damn it."

Alata looked at Elastor and said:

"You're the one who killed my brother and sister."

Elastor replied:

"Uhh, which siblings?"

Reaper said loudly:

"My children! You burned them to death"

Elastor replied:

"Oh, the Zombies. I thought they were still alive."

Alata slapped Elastor in the face, he said

"Don't mess around here. No I beat the crap out of you."

Elastor calmly replied:

"You slap like a girl."

Reaper said angrily:

"Now listen you bastard, I'm going to kill you right now to avenge my children. But I've thought again, tell me where Princess Eva is hiding."

Elastor replied:

"Nah, I don't want to."

Alata says:

"No need, Father, The Ghost will make him do it."

Elastor replied:

"What the hell?"

The Ghost haunted Elastor again and controlled him. The Elastor who was now guiding Eva and Julia was The Ghost. Elastor led Eva and Julia around until the night. When people had gone to sleep, they were still walking on the street. As she walked, Julia said:

"Hey Elastor, are we there yet? You've been taking us from afternoon till evening."

Elastor smiled and said:

"We've arrived, he'll meet us here."

They stopped. Eva was looking forward to meeting that general, she said

"When will he see us, Elastor?"

Elastor replied:


Suddenly Elastor summoned the great sword Volt and turned to slash at Eva. Julia promptly summoned the Mega gloves and parried the slash. Julia said:

"Why are you attacking us, Elastor?"

Elastor replied:

"I'm not Elastor."

Alata spoke through The Ghost:

"I'm using his own body."

Elastor slashed repeatedly at Julia and she also repeatedly punched back to block the attack. Eva backed down and summoned the Peace bow. She raised her bow and aimed at Elastor, she said:

"Let go of Elastor or I will shoot you."

Elastor said crazily:

"I won't let him go, if this body gets injured he will die too."

Eva said

"Damn it."

Elastor swung his sword and struck Julia, stunning her and kicking her back. Eva held Julia. Elastor jumped up and slashed down at them. Eva tried to pull Julia back but couldn't, she closed her eyes. The blade of the great sword slashed down was suddenly stopped by the blade of Dante sword. Zed showed up just in time. Eva said happily:


Elastor angrily pinned down the sword, but Zed caught it. Elastor stepped back and said:

"I knew you would follow me anyway."

Zed replied:

"That's right, the real Elastor would never be so careless. It was wrong when you came in and said you hadn't cooked Elf wine."

Everyone gasped, they thought:

"This idiot only cares about Elf wine?"

Zed continued:

"Let go of Elastor, or I'll beat you to death."

Alata replied:

"Did you forget I'm controlling his body? No matter what happened to his body, he'll get hurt as well."

Zed gave a monstrous smile and said:

"Do I look like I care?"

Alata was worried, he thought to himself:

"What is this madman up to?"

Zed said to Eva:

"You take care of Julia, I'll bring Elastor back."

Julia replied:

"Fight, Zed."

Zed rushed to attack Elastor, he slashed at him. Elastor slashed up to parry and smashed his sword into Zed's body. He immediately rotated his sword and blocked it. Elastor pushed Zed back, Zed jumped up behind and kicked Elastor in the back. Elastor tripped but he turned and swung his sword at Zed's leg. He jumped up and punched Elastor in the face. Zed said:

"Hey Elastor, if you're still in there, fight this kid yourself or I'll beat you up."

Elastor angrily slashed at Zed, he stepped back and repeatedly dodged the attack. Zed said:

"Okay idiot, sorry but I have to do this to save you."

The blade of Dante sword released darkness. Zed waited for Elastor to slash at him, then slashed back. The two's blades collided, pushing Elastor back down. Elastor lay down and writhed in pain. Zed said:

"Come on kid, let him out now."

The Ghost was injured, so was Alata. He spat out blood. Reaper said worried:

"Son, are you okay?"

Alata replied:

"It's okay dad. Looks like I'll use Elastor's secret power. The Ghost, get into this guy's mind for me."

The Ghost entered Elastor's mind, saw a sign of lightning in the distance and touched it. At this point Elastor stood up and took up his greatsword. Zed said:

"Is that Elastor or that kid from earlier?"

Elastor replied:

"It's me who will kill you."

"So you haven't given up yet, that's great."

"Behold this guy's Elemental Spirit."

Zed and Eva were surprised, they said:

"Elastor's Elemental Spirit?"

There were small lightning bolts all over Elastor's body, Elastor's left shoulder appeared a yellow panther tattoo. Suddenly a panther jumped out from behind Elastor, it faced Zed and roared. Zed said:

"What the hell?"

The panther saw Eva and rushed to attack her. Eva shot arrows at the panther but it dodged all of them. The panther was about to pounce on Eva to bite her when suddenly The Knight rushed to bite its neck. The Knight pulled the black panther away from Eva and fought with it. Meanwhile Zed and Elastor rushed forward and fought each other. The panther's fur released electricity and shocked The Knight. It endured and released the dark energy into the black panther to suck its life force. The black panther used its tail to shoot a large bolt of lightning that blocked the dark energy. The panther created an electric ball that hit The Knight on the head causing it to release its teeth. The two Spirits stepped back and stared at each other. They rushed over and hit each other with their heads and tails. The Knight and the panther backed away and roared. They unleashed darkness and thunder and created ball of darkness and orb of electricity thrown at each other. The two spheres collided and exploded repelling the two Spirits. The panther rushed to bite The Knight's neck, it wrestled with The Knight. The wolf also scratched repeatedly on the back of the panther. The Knight scratched the panther so hard that it released The Knight. They lunged forward and whipped their tails hard at each other, the two Spirits being equal in strength. Back to Zed and Elastor, they were still fighting fiercely. Elastor with the thunderous power of the panther shot lightning bolts at Zed. He rotated his sword and blocked the sparks. Zed said:

"Damn, I can't hold it for long. Eva! Get Julia to safety."

Eva nodded and brought Julia back to the Dream workshop. The Elastor shot lightning bolts at them, but The Knight promptly released a plume of darkness that blocked the sparks. At this time the clouds passed and the waxing moon appeared. Zed and The Knight watched the waxing moon, The Knight absorbed more darkness, it grew a second tail. Zed said:

"The Knight, merge."

The Knight hit his head on the black panther and ran towards Zed. Elastor fired electricity at it, but it dodged it all. The Knight jumped and merged behind Zed. Zed's whole body changed, his limbs grew wolf fur and The Knight's two tails grew, he grew wolf ears and teeth. Zed changed into his half-wolf form and howled. Elastor was worried, he said:

"What the hell, what the hell did he turn into?"

The panther ran to stand beside Elastor. Elastor raised his great sword Volt at Zed and said:

"Let's make a powerful lightning bolt to defeat him."

The panther injected thunder into the great sword causing it to emit a lot of electricity. Elastor and the panther launched a massive bolt of lightning at Zed. Zed's entire body released darkness, he used the darkness to push the lightning away. Zed rushed to attack Elastor, he blocked the incoming lightning without being hurt. Zed grabbed Elastor and the black panther and roared at them. Elastor said:

"Let me out quickly."

Zed released more darkness, he replied:

"Wolf Nightmare."

Alata in Elastor looked into Zed's eyes, he saw a terrifying and haunting dark power. A shadowy wolf stared at Alata, it pounced on him. Alata cried out in fear and struggled to escape from Zed's haunting dark power. The Ghost was scared to separate from Elastor. Zed grabbed The Ghost by the neck and spoke to Alata through it in a deep and terrible voice:

"Get the hell out of here!"

The Ghost disappeared and Alata screamed in pain. He writhed painfully on the floor and screamed:

"That wolf! That wolf!"

Reaper lifted Alata up and said:

"Hold on, I'll save you."

Reaper injects Alata with dangerous poisons that help him to slowly fade to sleep. Reaper shouted angrily:

"Who has harmed my son?"

Returning to Zed and Elastor, Elastor, after being freed, fainted and the panther disappeared. Zed returned to normal and said:

"Thank you, The Knight."

Zed carried Elastor and said:

"Let's go brother, I won't leave you."

Zed brought Elastor back to the Dream workshop.