Chapter 6 "Sidd" in the Light, Scarred Face in the Dark

"Ladies and gentlemen! The match is about to commence!" The host directed his gaze towards the VIP seats on the second floor.

The seat that the tanned, plump DeShawn took was located just overhead of the betting stand's signboard.

Dimly eying the current betting odds, the sum of bills in the prize pool, he exchanged a glance with some of his subordinates who were busy selling lottery tickets. With a hint of a smile flashing on his face, DeShawn revealed his golden tooth, gesturing a few signs for the host.

Understood, host spread his arms wide to intone, "Let the match...begin!"

Clad in red and black scale armour like a python, Jack circled around his opponent in the centre of the battlefield. His crimson whip lashed out towards his rival's back.

Sidd raised his massive sword. He used his weapon as a shield, holding it vertical in front of him.