Sir, I'll Report and Expose!

Chu Feng's words caught everyone's attention.

Everyone looked over.

Chu Feng cleared his throat and took a glance at the crowd.

"I think it's best for us to join the Earth Demon Race right now."

Just as he finished speaking, a dwarf immediately shouted angrily, "What?! I just got my freedom, and you want me to be cannon fodder again? Is your brain damaged?! If you guys don't want to leave, I'll leave by myself!"

Chu Feng's smile remained unchanged.

"You can go now. We're in the core of the Corpse Soul Ridge, where a large number of A-rank corpses are active. If you go alone, you'll die for sure."

"Even if dozens of us escape together, we'll still die if we encounter more than four A-rank Corpse Souls."

"If we're unlucky and also encounter an army of the Earth Demon Race, we will be treated as deserters. We'll definitely die."

The consecutive mentions of death gradually calmed everyone down.