Successive Breakthroughs

Chu Feng's actions completely won over everyone's hearts.

They all looked at Chu Feng as if they were worshiping a god.

Wei Xingguo even had a feeling that…

Right now, in the Seventh Military Base, even his words would not be as effective as Chu Feng's!

Of course, Wei Xingguo didn't think that there was anything wrong with it.

Even he himself was completely won over by Chu Feng.

Just then, a discordant voice suddenly rang out, "Haha, awesome! I've broken through to the C-rank! I'm only 20 years old. I'm really a super genius!"

It was Li Peng.

Just now, he had been deep in cultivation and did not know what had happened.

He absorbed most of the spiritual fruit's energy and finally succeeded in breaking through.

He was bursting with confidence now and a little floaty.

A 20-year-old C-rank could be considered a genius.

He wanted to enjoy the worship of the crowd.

However, the awkward thing was…