Battle-Tested Troops! Clue of the Undead Charm

This silent battle quickly ended.

The ground was littered with the remains of the liches.

The air seemed to be filled with a murderous aura.

The originally stunned skeletons and zombies now looked especially terrifying.

On their pale bones, there was a faint killing intent.

It was daunting.

A true battle-tested troop!

Seeing this, Chu Feng could not help but feel proud.

He had personally trained this!

He began to clean up the battlefield.

The liches were already dead or wounded.

The remaining few were captured by Chu Feng. He planned to enslave them.

Chu Feng wanted to try if there would be any difference in enslaving such semi-intelligent creatures.

He did not know what the difference it would make in nurturing the Divine Will.

However, Chu Feng estimated that the difficulty of enslavement should be even harder than that of non-intelligent creatures!