Endless Chaos!

Chu Feng was even more curious.

His heart felt like it was being scratched by a cat.

Number 4 smiled at the sight.

"That place, how should I put it? It's like a trash can in the universe. It will automatically absorb the emotions, distracting thoughts, and will of trillions of living beings every moment from everywhere…

"There are no real living beings there. There are only chaotic and disorderly bodies of will everywhere, or rather, they are just the manifestations of wills.

"They could be the combination of various biological forms or the chaotic wills of countless races. They are pure and disorderly existences. The meaning of their existence is to kill and devour each other.

"They look like a bunch of lunatics who kill anyone they see without warning or reason.

"Moreover, because they are a group of wills, their attack method is naturally willpower erosion.