The Moment the Blade Blooms...

Chu Feng suddenly issued a challenge.

It made everyone uncomfortable.

"Don't you need to rest first, little one?"

Elder Luo asked softly.

Chu Feng shook his head.

"Thank you, Elder Luo. However, I didn't consume much energy in the battle with Senior Number 3 just now. Everything is still at its peak."

Number Three, who had just crawled out of a sea of blood, upon hearing Chu Feng's words, decisively crawled back to the bottom of the sea.

Fine, I'd better stay in the sea obediently.

Why should I go out?

I would only be ridiculed.

He certainly didn't want that!

Elder Luo smiled faintly.

"I'm looking forward to the showdown between the two swordsmen."

He looked at Number 2 again.

"Are you ready?"

Number 2 nodded.

He suddenly looked at Chu Feng and said solemnly.

"Go all out, or you won't win against me."

"I will."

Chu Feng said solemnly.