Assessment Passed!

Chu Feng's words instantly caused a commotion.

Number Three could not help but look at Chu Feng.

"Does this kid know what he's talking about?!"

"He's already been beaten up like this. Where did he get his confidence from…"

They all looked puzzled.

However, Chu Feng clearly had no intention of explaining.

He smiled to himself.

He swallowed three portions of the Water of Life in one go.

He began to recover from his injuries.

He did not care if Number One agreed.

He knew that Number 1 would not refuse.

Ten seconds was short.

It passed quickly.

There was only one spark left in the third incense stick.

If Chu Feng bought any more time, the third incense stick might burn out.

Without any bloodshed, one could obtain 10 drops of Star Domain Essence.

However, Chu Feng did not do that.