Why Are You Still C-rank?

After signing the autographs, Chu Feng, Li Peng, and Li Ya finally squeezed out of the crowd.

He was almost squashed into a meat pie.

Under the circumstances, Chu Feng clearly could not continue strolling around.

He could only follow Li Peng's lead.

He first went to the headquarters of the Human Wartime Alliance to meet the current higher-ups of the human race.

Because of Hua Xia's special status, the headquarters of the Human Wartime Alliance was set up in the center of Hua Xia Martial Arts University.

It wasn't far.

However, the journey was still extremely "difficult".

When they heard the news, all the students who came from all directions wanted to admire the legendary Chu Feng.

But as the number of people increased, someone with sharp eyes suddenly exclaimed.

"Everyone, look! This legendary figure's spiritual power level… Why is it still C-rank?!"