Better to Die Standing Than To Live Kneeling!

Jiao Xiaoshou talked casually.

However, everyone fell silent.

It would be a waste if this guy did not become an alchemist.

Even Chu Feng did not know about this secret.

Even in his previous life, only Jiao Xiaoshou knew.

Now that he had said it out loud in front of everyone, it was obvious that he had truly acknowledged his companions.

"Soul gem…"

Chu Feng felt that the name was familiar. However, he was unable to recall what it was.

However, since it could allow the Master Ball to transform, it was obvious that it was an extremely precious item.

There was no need to consider it for the time being.

"Haha! Boss, quickly transfer the money! 200 million! I've never seen so much money in my life! Also, don't transfer more this time. I'm afraid that if I have too much balance, I'll be robbed by those guys behind me!"

Jiao Xiaoshou urged Chu Feng jokingly.

Chu Feng took a deep breath.