Surprising Change! All the Demons Are Shocked!


Chu Feng's muttering was actually very soft.

Unfortunately, everyone present was an expert.

Chu Feng did not deliberately hide it.

Everyone heard it clearly.

Xuan Ye cried out in shock.

His smug laughter stopped abruptly.

He stared fixedly at Chu Feng.

"What… What do you mean?!"

Chu Feng smiled lightly as he rapidly advanced like lightning.

"I'm just making preparations."

"To me, what's the point of killing a Earth Dragon King?"

"Even if we kill him, humans won't be able to defeat the Demon Race immediately. We'll only increase our advantage. It's still not safe enough…"

"Of course, if Your Highness can't save him in time, it's not bad to kill a Peak Demon King."

"But I know very well that Your Highness is the son of the Demon Emperor. How can you not have any life-saving methods? Therefore, there's a high chance that the Earth Dragon King can't be killed."