Land of the Universe, Space Beast!

The ones who arrived at the last moment were Chu Feng and the others.

Fortunately, with the detection of the Sky Water Domain, he finally found Xuan Ye at the last moment.

He did not even have time to think.

Chu Feng led the crowd and rushed into the stone door.

Next, Chu Feng felt the world spinning.

It was as if he had crossed endless time and space.

Everything around him was quickly disappearing.

He was sleepy.

When he opened his eyes again, he was shocked by the scene before him.

"Where… am I?!"

Chu Feng muttered to himself.

He could not hide the shock in his heart.

He looked around.

He was shocked.

They were actually in the vast universe!

In the endless distance, countless stars were shining.

In front of him, meteors the size of small planets streaked past from time to time.

The pitch-black void, the cold environment, and the dead silent space!