Controlling the Ancient Desolate Pagoda!

It was expected.

Chu Feng was not too flustered.

Before him, the absorption of energy from the Desolate God Ancient Painting was coming to an end.

Chu Feng watched the ancient painting.

It began to emit light.

It was not bright.

It was as if it was given a background color.

This meant that a portion of the various areas of the ancient map had been activated.

The first level of the Ancient Desolate Pagoda had been completely lit up, but the second level was still gray.

Chu Feng was speechless.

After absorbing so much energy, this little bit was activated?

Wasn't this just building a foundation?

It was like eating a meal.

The Desolate God Ancient Painting was not even half full.

It was equivalent to just having an appetizer.

Furthermore, Chu Feng discovered that this fellow was very picky when it came to "eating"!