The Foolish Son of a Landlord!

Was the lich army… really so popular?

Chu Feng lost confidence because of Luo Cang.

Didn't they say that a lich king would be sold for ten drops each. So, a hundred of them was worth about 1,200 drops? This was already the limit.

But after this appraisal meeting… Why did he feel that the lich in his hand was like a peerless treasure? Was it so valuable?

Actually, Chu Feng had just happened to encounter it.

Although the lich army was highly sought after and would be fought over the moment it appeared, it was not to the extent of this!

Ordinary people, even the Corpse Herding Clan, would never spend 2,000 drops of Star Domain Essence to buy 100 lich kings!

Who would bear such an obvious loss!

Only a large clan like the Heavenly Essence Clan, which had been passed down since ancient times, would not lack money.

Of course, most importantly, the Heavenly Essence Clan had already paid an extremely huge price to nurture the liches.