Man and Saber as One!

Chu Feng's meaning was very clear.

Today, you, Yin Pei, will definitely die!

However, before you die, I, Chu Feng, am magnanimous and am willing to give you a chance!

It's also your only chance.

Of course, Chu Feng had always been someone who would not do anything without benefits.

If not for the fact that he felt that Yin Pei's strength was just enough to train his saber technique, Chu Feng could not be bothered to fight.

Wasn't it tiresome?

Of course, if Yin Pei was unwilling, Chu Feng could only sigh hypocritically and send him off.

On the other side, Yin Pei's expression darkened.

There was only silence.

He slowly raised the long saber in his hand.

He knew very well that he had really lost this time.

It would be best if he could drag Chu Feng down with him before he died.

However, Yin Pei also knew that there was not much hope.

One would never know how many trump cards Chu Feng had.