Exception! Golden Armor! Last resort...

Everybody looked at the two of them who were "hugging" in midair.

Countless people silently covered their eyes.

There was no way to look!

It was embarrassing!

Chu Feng's face immediately turned green.

I… I was taken advantage of in public?!


You've ruined my reputation!

Go to hell!

At that moment…

Chu Feng practically instantly used all his strength.

He sent the Second Commander flying with a punch.

Even the golden armor on his body had a slight dent.

Damn! Old man! Do you think there aren't enough scandals between us!

It was over.

This time, there was really no way to clear his name.

Chu Feng immediately thought in despair.

There was a rumor between them to begin with. Good lord, you even "confessed your love" in public?!

I know you're the one who's excited!

But even if you're excited, don't fcking hug me!

I'm not gay!