Range Form! Killing Time...

The Saber Divine Domain suddenly covered the sky.

The one-armed old man did not even have time to react.

He managed to charge forward for a distance, but he was still far from escaping the range of this saber domain!

Helpless, a snow-white horsetail whisk suddenly appeared in his only arm.

In an instant, the horsetail whisk suddenly enlarged. Countless threads wrapped around him like a huge cocoon, protecting the old man!

Unlike the Inferno Spiritual Master, who was good at explosive power and had a fiery temper, the one-armed old man from the Dark Ice Clan was best at defense!

The Sky Silkworm Horsetail Whisk in his hand was like a natural barrier, enough to stop all attacks.

Therefore, even if he was suddenly attacked, the one-armed old man was not anxious. He had to protect himself first before he had the time to investigate the person.

He would not have known if he had not checked, but he was shocked when he did!