Escape Without a Fight! Notorious! Leave Your Name on the Pillar of Humiliation!

Vengefully backstabbing, and even personally offering strategies…

It was only because Huangpu You had been chasing after him frequently these days.

Chu Feng did not see this scene.

Otherwise, he would have sighed.

Now, he did not expect such a kind-looking old man to have changed his personality…

He watched as Chu Feng's figure gradually left.

Elder Chi Jiao suddenly raised his eyebrows and muttered to himself.

"Tsk tsk, if Huangpu You is really removed from his pedestal by this kid, that would be an earth-shattering matter…"

"Is it possible? It seems… hopeful?"

For a moment, Elder Chi Jiao could not help but look forward to it.

"If the Human Imperial Palace pays such a huge price and ends up benefiting others, I'm afraid they'll be so depressed that they want to die!"

"Hehe, the world probably wouldn't be peaceful at that time!"

"But… that's more interesting, isn't it?"