Perfect Inheritance, Advanced Level, Genius Appearance!

A thousand years passed quickly.

Chu Feng felt as if he had lived another life.

Forging was an extremely time-consuming profession.

No matter how talented one was, if one wanted to achieve something, one had to endure the long years that ordinary people could not withstand.

"Hahaha! Master, I've finally forged an Artifact Soul!"

The young De Lu's excited voice could be heard.

Beside him, the middle-aged man revealed a satisfied smile.

"You cultivated the first level of the Soul Forging Technique in a thousand years. Such talent is much stronger than your master. The future of my Iron Hammer lineage will depend on you!"

The young man, De Lu, also smiled happily and raised his head proudly.

"Of course! Master, don't worry! I will definitely become a famous Divine Blacksmith in the future!"

But at the next moment…

There was a snap.

The middle-aged man slapped the back of De Lu's head.