Special Authority! Compulsory Order!

Hearing those words, everyone shut up and looked at Chu Feng.

The group waited anxiously.

Yu could not help but mutter.

"Let it be something useful… Otherwise, how can we fight the other party in the final round!"

Perhaps Yu's prayers had worked.

Not long after, Chu Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were filled with surprise and excitement!

The first thing he said when he opened his eyes was…

"Everyone! This time! No one is allowed to draw!"

"Everyone's military merits will be used collectively!"

They looked at each other in bewilderment.

However, no one objected.

Even the most greedy Yu remained silent.

Chu Feng, who had already prepared an excuse, was speechless.

"Damn? Why don't you ask?"

"I've directly deprived you of a large amount of wealth!"

Yu shrugged.

"Everyone is used to it."

"Whatever you say."

Chu Feng felt ashamed.