Underestimating One's Enemy is a Major Taboo

As the previous county magistrates of Juhe County were either here to earn money or to "prepare the land for the new lord" like Yan Sheng, the reserves of the official grainary had barely increased over the years.

There were not even a thousand catties of food combined in the ten warehouses.

Every cellar only had a thin layer of rice. Even rats could not be bothered to visit such places.

There was too little.

Lu Zhengming stood beside Cui Heng with a helpless expression and sighed. "County Lord, this is all the food we have. We really don't have any more supplies to help the refugees."

Actually, there was something else he did not dare to say.

Originally, after raiding the Huang family, they should have included the taxes and food that the Huang family had not paid and stored them into the county's coffers.

This way, the official grain warehouses would be much fuller and would not be as embarrassing as now.