The 100-Year Period Is Coming

Qian Cang followed Chen Tong to the county office with a bitter expression.

He was very flustered now and did not know what he was going to face. Fang Nanzheng relied on the horse that Liu Litao had given him and was always a step faster than him!

How detestable!


As soon as he arrived at the county office, Qian Cang heard a cold snort.

Then, a middle-aged man with an ancient appearance and a long beard walked out of the governor's reception hall.

Qian Cang looked at this person curiously, but he met this person's angry gaze. He immediately felt a pain in his eyes and hurriedly lowered his head.

However, this person did not care about him. He walked past him and left.

"A Minor Grandmaster, and it's even a true Grandmaster?!" Qian Cang was shocked. To be able to make people feel pain with just his gaze, this was at least an expert who had refined True Qi.

"Stop looking and follow me in," Chen Tong said indifferently.